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Bryce cleared his throat. “You wouldn’t happen to know how I could get in contact with someone who works for Leisure Hotels and Resorts Worldwide magazine would you?”

A smile appeared on Sheila’s bright red lips. “No, but I know someone who might.”


A few minutes later Bryce curiously followed Sheila as she marched across to the other side of the building. She stopped at a door and quickly rapped on it. A muffled voice came from within, after which Sheila opened the door and popped her head inside. “Do you have a minute, Mia?” She turned and beckoned for Bryce to follow.

Behind a desk piled high with reports sat a young Black woman. As Bryce stepped through the door, she rose from her seat and offered him a welcoming smile. “I was wondering when you were going to get around to coming to see me.”

Mia Allen stepped into his embrace, and they shared a friendly hug. Over Mia’s shoulder, Bryce caught the look of surprise on Sheila’s face. “Mia did a secondment in Italy a year or so ago, and she worked for me at one of the resorts on the Amalfi coast. I didn’t realize it was Mia you were bringing me to meet.”

Sheila rolled her eyes. “Of course I should have known you and Mia would have been acquainted. Is there anyone she doesn’t know?”

As the two young women grinned at one another, Bryce recalled that Mia did seem to know everyone. Even in Italy, she was always greeting people like they were long lost friends. She was just one of those people who had connections everywhere.

Including, so Sheila tells me, a connection to Vivian’s magazine.

He was at pains that his request for information about the elusive Vivian Holte came off as a mere trifle of interest, rather than the reality of something which was burning a hole in his brain. Bryce took a deep breath and spoke as calmly as he could. “Sheila tells me you used to work at LHRW magazine before you came to work for Royal Resorts.”

Mia nodded. “Yes, I worked for them when I first came out of college. Before I joined the Royal Resorts management program. I’m currently working with your brother Matthew, as his assistant manager.” She explained it in such a way that it was clear she had expected Bryce to already know that much about her. He caught thework with, notwork forpart of the sentence.

This is Mia, remember, the girl with the eye for detail. She never forgets anything.

There was no mistaking the sly look which passed between Mia and Sheila. His discomfort grew as Mia stepped past him and quietly closed her office door. “Why are you interested in the magazine, Bryce?”

It went without saying that his request wasn’t a business one. If it was then he would have simply picked up the phone and called the managing editor of Luxury Hotels and Resorts Worldwide. He wouldn’t have had to come to some of the other members of the office staff in order to gather information.

They had him in a bind, and if the cunning grin on Mia’s face was anything to go by, she knew it. Matthew’s assistant manager was the same as Sheila, a quick learner.

Top of the field in the fast track management program.

“Or is there a particular someone you need to talk to? If you were able to give us a name, then perhaps we might be able to help you,” offered Sheila.

They were enjoying this, watching one of the Royal brothers squirm would have likely made their day. Their week. Mia and Sheila were going to make him suck it up big time before they offered to help him find Vivian.

“Vivian Holte. She is a writer for the magazine.”

Mia let out a snort, and her hands went to her hips. “You mean she is the writer who gave the Laguna Beach resort a three star review. Please don’t tell me you are planning to confront her, because that would be most unprofessional of you, Bryce Royal. Let alone suicidal.”

He had no intention of causing further harm to Vivian.I have done enough of that already to my everlasting shame.His motives were quite the opposite. He wanted nothing more than to hold her, kiss her, and beg for her forgiveness. Still he had to ask. “Why would that be suicidal?”

Sheila crossed her arms, and her eyebrows did their lifting thing again. “Because Mia would kill you, that’s why.”


If he did eventually manage to talk to Vivian, he was going to eat some serious humble pie. So he may as well start practicing now.

“Ok, but this stays within these four walls. Please.”

Mia and Sheila both nodded.

“I met Vivian in California. And…um…ah.” Bryce pinched the bridge of his nose. For all his wealth and fancy clothes, he was more than a little clueless about how he should handle such a delicate matter. Especially with these two women.

The silence in the room was deafening.

How do I say this and not come off sounding like Mister bloody Darcy?

“I said something horrible to Vivian and I feel the need to apologize.”
