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She had seen enough pictures in the papers and in the entertainment news sites. It was just how the world worked.

“So, how long are you back in the states, Bryce? I read inLeisure Linethat you are normally in charge of the European side of the family business.”

“Family business? You make us sound like the mafia,” chuckled Bryce.

“I didn’t mean it to sound like that, I just meant the House of Royal. From what I’ve read your family has connections all over the world. I’m sorry if I caused you offence.”

He offered her a soft smile. “None taken. But you are right, my extended family is involved in everything from resorts to fashion to luxury private goods, right across the globe. America is where my part of the Royal family is focused. The assignment in Europe was only meant to be for a year or two, but we had some major acquisitions during that time, so I stayed on to make sure we brought them in properly under the Royal brand. The latest one has been transforming a castle to a high end hotel in Scotland.”

The way he talked about running a luxury resort empire had goosebumps forming on her skin. Some women had a thing for shoes and fashion, her weakness was hotels. If Bryce had the slightest idea as to how this supposed mundane conversation was affecting her, he wasn’t showing it.

How could she ever find a way to explain what high thread-count bed sheets did to her heart rate the second she brushed up against them? Vivian had saved for a whole year to be able to afford a set of percale weave sheets for her bed at home. Every time she slid naked between them, her nipples hardened.

I bet Bryce sleeps in all his glory on gorgeous high thread count…for heaven’s sake stop thinking about him being naked.

Memories of that night in California had her mouth running dry. This was dangerous. With Bryce no longer her worst enemy, she couldn’t trust herself around him. Every time she looked into those brown eyes of his, her mind went to mush. She didn’t want to think about the state of her panties.

Asking more personal questions about him only served to make matters worse. It was time to cut her losses. And then go take a hot shower.

“I think I might head back to the hotel now, Bryce, if that’s alright with you. I had an early start and need to catch up on my sleep.”

It was a flat out lie. She had slept perfectly the previous night and would be staying up late tonight in order to get ahead on her review. This long, tall drink of temptation was the problem. She had to get away from him. If she didn’t there was a good chance that she was going to end up in his bed tonight. Come tomorrow, she would struggle to hate herself for it.

The pending lack of regret was a warning. When he had been Bryce Jones, the homewares distributor from San Diego, he’d been a safe enough bet. Bryce the billionaire bore all the signs of turning into yet another cautionary tale in her life. Something to be ignored at her peril.

An odd expression of disappointment followed by relief crossed his face. “Of course.” He motioned in the direction of where Vivian’s car was parked on the other side of the road. “I shouldn’t keep you from your bed. You are on a working trip.”

Don’t be a gentleman Bryce, throw me over your shoulder, take me to bed, and have your wicked way with me.

Thank god she was wearing a loose top. If she had been in her little blue dress, it would’ve been impossible to hide her hardened nipples. The night air was cool, but it had nothing to do with why her headlights suddenly switched to high beam. Heated lust rippled through her body.

Bryce’s gaze settled on her breasts, and Vivian was certain he could read her filthy, smut filled mind. She did her best to push away the heady sensual memories of what his lips, teeth, and tongue had done to her that night. Of the bites and small bruises he had left. Their short lived affair might have ended badly but he was the devil of a lover. Vivian would sell her soul to hear Bryce offer to thrust his cock deep into her heat and bring her to a screaming orgasm one more time.

And they wonder why sane women do such mad things for bad boys.

Vivian’s heart hammered in her chest as Bryce drew closer. He bent and for a moment she thought he was about to kiss her. “Thank you for tonight, Vivian, it was wonderful.”

The warmth of his words against her skin went straight to her sex. She reached for him, but Bryce turned away. The stab of disappointment in Vivian’s heart had her gasping with pain. She tracked quietly in his wake as they made their way across the sand toward the road.

He came here to apologize. Nothing more. He doesn’t want me. Of course he doesn’t. He’s a billionaire.

Reaching the sidewalk, Vivian stopped and put her sandals back on. Her approach to driving was tentative at best, she didn’t need to try attempting it in bare feet. They crossed the road back to the restaurant parking lot.

Before climbing into the car, she took in a deep calming breath, doing her best to clear her mind. Driving a motor vehicle while being torn as to what to say to Bryce wasn’t the wisest of combinations.

The mercifully short trip back to the resort quickly became a polite exercise in Vivian pointing out places of interest. At the hotel a parking valet took her keys, and Vivian and Bryce moved away from the car and came to stand alongside one another, outside the hotel’s main reception area.

With her nerves rapidly fraying, Vivian offered Bryce a brief, micro hug. “Thanks for coming all this way to say sorry, Bryce. That was big of you. I really appreciate the gesture, when I know you could have so easily just sent an email.”

Gripping what was left of her self-esteem by the fingertips she turned to leave. It was clear in her mind that to him, California had been a one-time thing.

Bryce caught her by the arm drawing her gently back to him. “Don’t go, Vivian. Please don’t let things end like this. At least come and have a night cap with me. We can sit at the poolside bar and talk. Just friends. No strings attached. I promise.”

She reluctantly met his gaze. Why did he have to choose this evening to behave as a gentleman? Did he suspect that if he asked her to come back to his suite, she would say yes? And that to his way of thinking, it would be a mistake for both of them? Something they would regret.

Her heart and mind continued to battle it out with one another. While Bryce seemed content to offer a no-strings late night drink, Vivian’s heart was demanding that he buy her the whole stringed section of an orchestra. She would gladly take a room full of violins. Anything to keep the two of them together. And if he asked, she was more than willing to make him a devil’s pact.

No. You are reading this all wrong. That is not what he is offering. One drink. A polite chat, then you both go back to your respective lives.
