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He might not currently be in direct competition with the Galveston resort, but who was to say that in the future he wouldn’t be opening a Royal Resort somewhere along the Texan coast.

“They have the toiletries part sorted, I’ve already got some in my bag. Since the hotel is old, an electrical refit is probably well out of their current budget, so they fail on that point. And as for the freebies, that’s not really their brand. I wouldn’t mark them down for those things, but they are a nice to have.”

Vivian seemed to have a solid understanding of the hotel and resort industry. Branding was a big part of it. Guests responded to strong brands.

Maybe I should offer her a job.

He was about to give voice to that notion, when his manhood sent an emergency signal racing to his brain.

If you give her a job, she will be permanently off limits to me. Come on Bryce, I am begging. Remember how good that night was in California. I can’t live on memories.

His lips joined in the protest. They pressed together in hurried support of his now throbbing cock.

Royal Resorts had written policies about office romances between staff and executives. And while they were not expressly forbidden, they were not exactly encouraged.

What if he and Vivian could find a way to forge a relationship, one which saw them both step out of their respective corporate roles when they were away from the office? No doubt it would be complicated at times. Even awkward. But not impossible. Bryce found himself wanting to try.

His manhood might well be wanting to repeat that night of sexual pleasure with Vivian, lust its formidable master. Tonight, Bryce’s brain was calling the shots. It had other ideas.

If I am smart and take things slow, this could be more than a one or two night steamy affair.

Good things came to those who played the careful, long game. Seated across the table from him, he was coming to view Vivian Holte in a whole new light.

If she wanted to know what Planet Billionaire really looked like, he would be more than happy to be her personal guide.


That last piece of fried fish had almost done Vivian in, her stomach was full, and she found it hard to breathe. From where she sat, Bryce seemed to be in much the same predicament. She could have sworn he whimpered when the waitress placed the dessert menu on the table and cheerfully suggested they take a look.

The moment the woman was out of earshot, Vivian tapped her finger on the table, catching Bryce’s attention. “If you ever find yourself here again, I suggest ordering a smaller main course to leave room for the pecan crunch.”

“The only thing I could fit in right now would be a long walk on the beach. That food was amazing, I couldn’t stop eating. Thank you for bringing me here.”

An hour or so ago, she’d been ready to write this man off. Push him out of her life and hope to never again hear the name Bryce Royal. Yet here she was, having shared a laughter-filled meal with him, and suddenly wishing she had eaten her food more slowly. Time was slipping away.

She should call for the check and then after taking Bryce back to the resort, bid him a fond farewell. Her rational head said this, but her heart…and over full stomach pleaded for her to take Bryce up on the offer of a stroll on the beach. It was growing dark, but there were plenty of lights along the sea wall. “We could go for a walk. Let our food get down. Then I could drive you back to the resort.”

I am not going to do anything foolish like sleep with him. Tonight was about mending fences. Parting as polite friends. Nothing else.

Deep down Vivian was yet to forgive Bryce for his review. He was clearly disgusted with his own behavior, and she respected him for being man enough to admit his mistake and then come all this way to apologize to her. Sorry, however, didn’t fix things. That was a hard lesson she had learned from her time with Pete. Her ex had been the king of sweet apologies, and repeated transgressions. Once bitten, twice shy.

“That would be nice,” replied Bryce.

His hand was up in an instant, beckoning over the waitress. Before Vivian had the chance to speak, Bryce had politely declined a dessert order and asked for the check. The look he shot Vivian’s way was clear. She needn’t bother trying to pay.

Let him apologize properly. It will be a win-win situation if he leaves here tomorrow, and you both feel better about how things ended.

Vivian could admit to this evening having done a power of good for her self-worth. When the bill came, she made a small protest, insisting she should pay for their meal, but when Bryce furrowed his brow, she quickly let it go. This whole making amends thing reminded her of a Texan line dance. Everyone knew the steps, you just had to take your cues from the music, and not stand on anyone’s toes.

The sun had set by the time they finally left the restaurant. They crossed the busy road and walked onto the beach. Vivian stopped and slipped off her sandals. Bryce who was wearing a pair of tan leather loafers followed suit. She forced herself not to say anything when she snuck a glimpse of the brand on the inside of the sole.Ferragamo.Grace’s father wore the same Italian handmade shoes and Vivian had a pretty good idea how much they cost. The moment didn’t however seem right to once more remind Bryce that he and she were from different worlds.

Vivian pointed toward the pier which sat a mile or so away in the distance. “That’s the Pleasure Pier. I’ve taken some great sunset photos from the top of the Ferris wheel. You should go for a ride on it if you get the chance.”

There was something special about the Galveston evening light. It was different to California. Texas sunsets had a deep golden fire to them, and they took up the entire sky. Like the state itself, everything here was bigger.

They walked slowly along the sand with no stated direction or destination. Just two people comfortable in one another’s company. Vivian played a little game with herself, imagining that this was her real life. That Bryce Royal was a permanent part of it. When she glanced over at him, taking in his finely tailored clothes and expensive watch, a little voice in the back of her mind reminded her once more that men like Bryce didn’t create futures with women like her.

Every girl dreams of marrying a rockstar but you know those men always go for the supermodel or a famous actress. And billionaires marry the daughters of other billionaires.
