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It all left Bryce at a loss to understand what had happened with his brother. Why Jordan’s management of the resort had failed so badly over the past few months. It was clear he was going to have to confront Jordan and somehow get the truth.

I don’t know what I am going to do about him.

Bryce feared that if Jordan didn’t bring the Laguna Beach Resort up to scratch by the time it officially opened, he might be compelled by the board to reassess his brother’s position within the company.

I can’t imagine having to fire my own brother.


Her beloved frappé in hand, Vivian lowered herself into one of the hard plastic seats in the departure lounge. The food offerings at the airport were surprisingly good but this morning she couldn’t face them. Only the prospect of a long dehydrating plane flight had seen her shove her misery aside and join the long queue for a drink. While she waited, she silently chastised herself.

Why am I so surprised that Bryce turned out to be a dick? Am I that stupid? Desperate for a guy to like me for me? And I was ready to sleep with him. I should have let Grace go full throttle and rip him a new one.

Right up until the moment she had opened theLeisure Linesite this morning, Vivian had been holding onto the hope that Bryce had simply decided to behave as a gentleman last night. He hadn’t rejected her, he was biding his time.

If her fevered hopes held true, then this morning after breakfast, he would take her back to his ocean front presidential villa and make good on the promise that had been in that kiss last night.

As she’d read the article about Royal Resorts threatening to sue her employer, nausea had knocked her both sideways and down. Her tears had come so fast she couldn’t hold them back.

It was horrible to admit it, but Bryce Royal had broken her heart. She’d been tempted to call Grace back last night and ask for her friend’s advice as to what she should do this morning. Thank god she hadn’t.

When had she become so anxious for Bryce to like her? Answer…after the night they had shared in California. A night of unbridled passion which had completely thrown her life into a tail spin. With the news of the pending lawsuit, she couldn’t find an emotional lever to pull in order to right herself.

The only good thing in her life right now was the cold, sugary heaven of a hazelnut frappé. At least she could rely on her daily frappé to see her through. Starbucks was a girl’s loyal friend.

Another life lesson learned. On the drive from the resort, Vivian had come to a decision. She would set love and all its shitty complications to one side and concentrate on her career. If Lionel made good on his promise to send her to Italy, it would help lift her profile at the magazine. She would then be one step closer to her dream job of working as a travel columnist for Condé Nast. There was more to the hotel and leisure industry than just reviewing room-service menus and day spas.

Though I could have done with a session at a day spa. Damn you, Bryce Royal.

Her plans for today had included a lovely breakfast with a nice gentleman, who may or may not have just been playing a long game of seduction. And if it turned out he wasn’t, Vivian’s back up plan was a relaxing hour in the spa and getting her toe nails painted. She’d checked out the resort’s day spa with its gorgeous collection of nail polishes. But instead of that pretty shade with the clever namethe grass is always greeneradorning her toes, she was about to board a hastily booked flight out of Galveston.

A group of businessmen bustled their way past where Vivian sat. One bore a slight resemblance to Bryce. Her chest tightened at the sight.

Royal Resorts was threatening to sue her magazine. It didn’t make sense. Even Bryce had agreed that she hadn’t written anything in her review which wasn’t true. And if the rest of the executives at Royal Resorts didn’t appreciate the three star rating, then they should be doing something about fixing the situation at the Laguna Beach resort rather than taking cheap shots at the messenger.

And while she didn’t agree with the threat of legal action, she could at least understand why an organization would think that might be the way to go. What she couldn’t however get her head around was Bryce. Why had he come all this way to smooth talk her into accepting his apology, spend an evening charming her, while at the same time knowing his company was about to do the dirty on her magazine?

And that single stunning kiss.

Did he honestly think he could keep his business and personal life separate? On one hand sue the company she worked for, while on the other tempt her into his bed. Billionaires. One rule for them, one rule for the rest of humanity.

But he hadn’t invited her to his hotel suite. Perhaps billionaire assholes had their moral limits.

Oh, stop thinking about him.

When the last of her frappé slurped up the straw, Vivian was tempted to go and order another one. The first boarding call for her flight put paid to that idea.

The sooner I am out of Texas, the better. Farewell lone star state.

The flight would hopefully give her enough time to come up with the right words to say to Grace. To explain that her private life had now reached the point where it had been officially designated a fustercluck.

She planned to get a t-shirt made with that misspelt word printed in bold letters on the front. If Royal Resorts went public with their law suit, she may as well get her fifteen minutes of fame out of it. Vivian could just imagine the look on Bryce Royal’s face when she turned up to court sporting her new look. There would be no more sexy blue dresses for him.Bastard.

Vivian dropped her empty cup into the trash as she made her way to the gate. As she did, a thought struck her. She really ought to drink a beverage which used recyclable cups or find a way to bring her own reusable drink cup.

Maybe that’s something we should start including in our rating of hotels and resorts. Their efforts to go green.

It was all well and good to ask guests to reuse bath towels, but what other things could they be doing? Should they be doing?
