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Vivian floated back to her suite. The massage had been that good. Over the years she’d found hotel massage therapists fitted into two neat categories. There was the one where they spent an hour just rubbing various lotions and creams onto her skin without actually untying any knots or kinks in her muscles. These tended to be the ones where the hard sell of beauty products came at the front counter as she made her way out.

The other type of massage, the kind she preferred, was the one which Vivian had just experienced. The therapist had known all the ways to get into tight muscles and release tension, without causing Vivian pain. They’d shared a little bit of harmless chat, but not too much, and the woman knew when to work in silence and let her client simply be. The rainforest background music hadn’t intruded on Vivian’s thoughts.

At the end of the session Vivian had been handed a hand written personalized card which noted the massage lotions which had been used on her body. At no time was she made to feel obligated to buy any of it.

With a paper tote bag containing a complimentary body brush for herself and some oils for Grace and Marlon, Vivian drifted back to her room. The resort’s spa policy was that guests were requested to leave their cell phones either switched off or not bring them at all. A phone detox for a whole blessed hour added to the benefit of the spa experience.

The first thing Vivian did when she stepped through the door of her suite was to check her phone. Old habits die hard. She smiled at the message from Grace.

Hope u r ok, call me if u need me.

Thanks. All good. Heading to beach for some insta worthy pics. xxx

The spa treatment had not only relieved her tired muscles, but it had also given Vivian time to put the past weeks behind her. She had accepted the truth about Bryce Royal. He had been a foolish mistake and she was determined to put him firmly in the past.

* * *

The company jet touched down in New York later that night. As Bryce set foot on the tarmac, he made a vow to never again take the private jet for granted. Facing the possibility of his own demise while being crammed into a flying tin can with several hundred other people wasn’t something he ever wished to repeat.

It was close to eleven thirty by the time he finally reached the offices of Royal Resorts in Lower Manhattan. Bryce wasn’t the least bit surprised to discover Edward was waiting for him when he stepped through the door which lead into the executive suite.

“There you are, come and have a drink.”

At the end of a long day which had seen him spend far too many hours seated on a plane and dashing through airports, all Bryce really wanted to do was drop his bag in his office, and head to his serviced apartment. A long hot shower was in order. And then sleep.

Seeing the inviting but slightly worried look on Edward’s face had him nodding and following him into his office. Bryce’s bed would have to wait. Time with his father was more important. And precious.

A thought struck Bryce on the way through the door.

I wonder what will happen when I take over as CEO? Will I get this office, or stay where I am? Hmm.

His father was far too young to retire, he must have plans for his own future. “I meant to ask what you are going to do when the time comes for me to take over. That’s of course if the board agrees to the succession proposal.”

It was a really two questions posed as one. Bryce’s intention was to create an opening for Edward to explain what had come out of the board meeting. If Bryce was indeed going to be appointed CEO.He was also genuinely interested to hear his father’s plans for the future.

Edward picked up an already opened bottle of shiraz and poured them both a generous glass. He handed a drink to Bryce. “Here’s to you, the next CEO of the US branch of Royal Resorts. And its first American born CEO. The board unanimously approved your appointment. And while it’s up to you and me to decide when exactly you take over, I should warn you that your mother has booked us on a cruise to Australia and New Zealand early in the new year. I’m still considering my next career move, but I won’t get under your feet.”

“Thanks, Dad.” This was a big moment for Bryce, but his enthusiasm fell flat. His heart wasn’t in the mood for celebration.

They touched glasses, and Bryce couldn’t help but smile as he caught the expression of immense pride on his father’s face.

“Congratulations Bryce. When I vacate this office, I know I will handing things over to a capable and visionary new CEO. I’m humbled to be able to call you my son.”

“Just don’t let Matthew or Jordan hear you say that.”

“They know how I feel about them. Your brothers bring their own set of skills and strengths to the family business. Even Jordan. He will find his way back.”

Bryce let the subject of the middle Royal sibling go. This was the moment he had worked hard and long for over the past years, and as much as his heart was torn up over Vivian, he wanted to savor it.

He’d been bloodied and battle hardened during his time in Europe, all with the intention of eventually taking on the US operations. Europe was a mature travel market, he was under no illusion that the growing American one would test him to his fullest.

I can’t wait. I was born to take Royal Resorts to the top of our home market. To give the American traveler an entirely new level of luxury, one they deserve.

His pride in having the appointment confirmed was tempered by the events of the past few days. Of how badly things had gone wrong with Vivian.

Over dinner in Galveston, he’d felt the pieces of his life’s puzzle finally dropping into place. For a brief wonderful moment Bryce had imagined what a future with Vivian might look like. Of the joy of being able to come home knowing he would find her there, waiting for him, and ready to step into his loving embrace. Now all he had was a terse letter and a promise to sue if he ever came near her again.

“I note a lack of cheer in your disposition. What happened with the girl from the magazine?” asked Edward.
