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While Bryce had gone to talk to the resort manager and offer his personal praise for the staff and amenities, Vivian had finally hitSENDon her letter of resignation. Lionel would no doubt be disappointed, but she hoped he would also be happy for her.

She had submitted her last official review. It was a sparklingly good one; the White Foam Breakers had earned itself a full five stars, along with a highly recommended status. Even Bryce, when she caved and let him read the review, had reluctantly agreed with Vivian’s sentiments. Though she suspected some of his views may have been swayed by the amount of sex he’d had during his stay at the resort.

“You look a little perplexed, what’s wrong? Didn’t you like your morning cold, sweet thing,” he offered.

Vivian reached for a nearby pillow. This was one argument she couldn’t ever win. She could just imagine Bryce having ‘he never let a chilled coffee beverage touch his pure espresso lips’ as his final epitaph.

“My frappé was perfect. It’s just that I usually take the complimentary guest toiletries from the resort or hotel. They are one of the little perks of my job. Soon to be ex job,” she corrected herself.

“And you are wondering if I will judge you for lifting the ones from the bathroom in our villa?”


“I will judge you, but they are L’Occitane so definitely worth taking. Come to think of it, that could be one of your first tasks when you come on board, check our personal grooming range against those of other resorts. Speaking of coming on board, did you email your resignation to Lionel?”

Emotion suddenly welled up inside her. She had fought tooth and nail to get the job at the magazine, it had been one of her proudest moments the day she first started at Luxury Hotels and Resorts Worldwide and now she was walking away. It all felt a little too surreal.

Italy next summer. Then I am done.

Strong arms wrapped around her, holding her close. “I know this is the start of a whole new life, but sometimes it’s good to be a little afraid. It means you really want that thing you are chasing.”

Vivian rested her head against Bryce’s solid chest. The notion that fate had somehow conspired to make certain that the two of them found one another had her closing her eyes and offering a prayer of gratitude. There were so many little things that had happened to ensure that she was standing on the beach that night in California, so many signs from the universe that she and Bryce were meant to be together. Signs she was no longer ignoring.

“Grab the toiletries, sweetheart, and let’s get out of here. The car is waiting for us out the front of reception. And the jet has a departure slot locked and loaded.”

She scurried into the bathroom and snatched up the goodies, stuffing them into her travel bag. No sooner had she stepped back into the main living area, than a porter arrived at the door and took their luggage away.

Outside Vivian paused, lingering to take in the final precious moments of her stay. The girl who was leaving Florida was not the same one who had arrived a week ago. A smile sat on her lips as she turned to see Bryce. He held out his hand.

“Ready to take that next step with me, Vivian? To Planet Billionaire.”

He was never going to let her forget that remark. And while it was now a private joke between them, it was also her new reality.

The truth of that finally sunk in as their town car swept through the gates and onto the tarmac at Palm Beach County Airport a short while later. Vivian sucked in a deep breath as she caught her first glimpse of the Royal Resorts jet. Bryce turned to her and smiled. It hadn’t escaped her notice that whenever their gazes met, he broke into a happy grin.

Love looks good on him.

The steps of the jet were lowered. There were people standing alongside a wide strip of carpet, waiting. All waiting for them. This was another world she was stepping into, one a million miles away from long check-in queues and baggage claim tussles.

The car drew up next to the carpet, the door perfectly in line so that when it opened the passengers could disembark without their feet having to touch the asphalt. A suited attendant moved forward and opened the door. Bryce climbed out first, and Vivian followed. He took hold of her hand. “Vivian, this is Patrick our flight attendant. He will take care of any of your needs on the trip home.”

Vivian and Patrick stared at one another for a second. She cleared her throat. “How was it?” She ignored thehuhof surprise which escaped Bryce’s lips.

“I chose the caramel, like you suggested. It was delicious,” replied Patrick.

“Oh no,” huffed Bryce. “You haven’t turned Patrick to the dark side. Hang on, how do you two know each other?”

“I shall go and check the plane,” said Patrick, his feet moving quickly toward the jet.

“Janice called me a few days ago and gave me Patrick’s number. He and I chatted while you were at the gym earlier this morning. Turns out he is also a sweet tooth when it comes to his beverages. And in answer to your next question, Mia gave Janice my number.”

Bryce growled his clear annoyance at this development, but it held no heat. He pulled Vivian into his arms and kissed her. “You might be in good with Janice, but don’t you go getting any ideas. I get first dibs on the jet when I need to travel.”

Vivian laughed. “Oh, you poor deluded man. I already have Patrick and the pilot on speed dial.”

She slipped out of his embrace and headed with hurried purpose toward the plane. “And I know the best place to sit. It’s on the right hand side, middle of the cabin. That’s where my Frappuccino is already waiting.” Her foot had barely touched the bottom step before a pair of strong male arms wrapped around her waist and drew her back.

“I see you are going to have to learn the rules of Planet Billionaire. The first one being you don’t steal my favorite seat on the jet.”
