Page 10 of Blood Chased

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He chuckled. “I know you don’t drink human blood. That threat won’t work with me.”

“I will call the cops.”

He arched a brow at her. “Already here, babe.”

“Well, surely, someone would like to know that you’re going around stealing kisses.”

“Like I said yesterday. I’ve only ever done that with you, and you kissed me back. Not sure why, though. I’m here to figure it out. We can sit together and have some waffles and figure out why we kissed.”



“No. I refuse to sit with you and dissect the momentary insanity that overtook us. It’s probably all this forest air. It’s not good for you, you know.”

“Fresh air?”

“Apparently. It goes straight to your brain and makes you do crazy things like kiss sheriffs.”

“We haven’t officially met, but let me just say that it’s a pleasure.” He held out his hand as his eyes sent sparks of interest up her spine. “Nero Greenlee.”

She looked at his hand as if it were a snake ready to strike. “You already know my name. And I am never touching you again.”

He shrugged like he didn’t care, but instead of leaving like she wanted him to, he sat in the chair beside her. With his leg, he hooked another chair and brought it in front of him. He placed a brown paper bag on it that had theTails and Syruplogo on it.

“You’re not serious,” she said.

He pulled out two big Styrofoam to-go boxes and handed her one. She was too shocked to refuse. She took it, and there he was, digging into the bag again. He pulled out plastic cutlery with a triumphant smile. “I didn’t forget this time.”

He placed a fork and knife on her container before opening his own. And just like that, the man was making himself at home on her porch. He ate his eggs, bacon, sausages, and pancakes like it was the most normal thing in the world.

“Don’t worry,” he said between mouthfuls. “I got you the waffles. Your sister warned me. No pancakes.”

“Pancakes are insane. They’re terrible.”

He chuckled. “Agree to disagree.”

“Are you going to explain why you’re here with breakfast?”

“I’m not here to apologize,” he finally said. “I know I probably should, but I won’t. I can’t.”

“Why? Because then you would have to admit guilt?”

“There is zero guilt about the kiss. It was way too good to be guilty. But I will admit it wasn’t my best moment. You just took me by surprise, that’s all.”

She arched a brow at him. She contemplated dumping the breakfast into his lap before returning to her house and locking the door behind him, but something in the glimmer of his brown eyes gave her pause.

“How could I surprise you?”

He shrugged. “Not sure, to be honest. I didn’t even realize what I was doing. I just had to know what it would be like to kiss you.”

“And?” she asked.

“And it was amazing. Like I said, you’re a great kisser.”

She rolled her eyes. “That’s not what I was asking … I was askingwhywould you wonder what it would be like to kiss me?”

“Because you’re a beautiful woman.”
