Page 13 of Blood Chased

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He shrugged. “I don’t have any jurisdiction beyond the city limits, but I do know some people who could help us. Other wolf packs. We can try to find her.” And then, with a grin, he added, “Do a wellness check.”

Valentine jumped to her feet. “Let’s go!”

He pulled her back down into her seat. “Not yet, Red.”

“Don’t ever call me that.”

“Fine,” he grinned. “But you need to eat something. You also need to give me the chance to set something up for my pack and my town.”

She clapped her hands and stood again. She took a full waffle and stuffed it into her mouth. It was insane and adorable, and he was pretty sure he fell in love with her right there. “What are you waiting for? Go make your plans,” she said around a mouthful of waffle. “We’ve got a sister to save. Be ready to go in an hour.”

It was impossible to keep from smilingallthe time with this woman. And not just because she was his mate.

There was just something sweet about Val underneath all the bolster and anger.

“I’m going to need a day. We can leave tomorrow at dawn.”

“You’re a tease,” she grumbled around another mouthful. “I thought we could leave now.”

“Well, had I known before that this idea would pop into my head, I might have been more prepared.”

“Remember that for next time,” she called out as she went into the cabin. “We leave at dawn. Not a second after.”

Nero watched her go, and it was only then he realized his suggestion might not have been the wisest. He shook his head and said to the wolf in his mind, “I blame you for this.”

* * *

Nero could barely standon Atlas Silver’s front porch as he told his friend what he was about to do. He had saved this conversation for last as he paced nervously.

Reece, as a newly mated wolf, could understand.

Atlas was a different story. This wolf was not one that was easily swayed by emotions … not even the kind that could be evoked by the mate sense.

To Atlas’s credit, he listened to Nero’s whole story … and half-baked plan … before he shook his head. “No. Don’t do this. This is a bad idea,” Atlas said, crossing his arms. “Like, areallybad idea.”

“I know,” Nero replied truthfully. “Don’t think I don’t know the risks. Of course I do. But, honestly, man, it’s too late now.”

“Are you seriously telling me that the Half-Blood has enough power over you already? What did she do? Hypnotize you with her crotch?”

Nero rolled his eyes. “She isn’t a full vamp. She doesn’t have that kind of power.”

His friend lifted an eyebrow in doubt. “You sure about that?”

“No. I am not, but I also know this has nothing to do with her being a Half-Blood. She’s my mate.”

Atlas whistled low. “That’s two Longborn sisters and two wolf alphas.”

“Better watch yourself, then,” Nero joked.

“Don’t even go there,” Atlas snapped. “This is a really bad idea, man. You’re going around the country, traipsing in all of these vampire strongholds, and you think they won’t come after you? That it won’t be seen as an act of aggression? A vampire council member was killed, and we are still waiting for the fallout from that. Do not go on this trip. Not with the Half-Blood. Don’t try to rescue her sister.”

“I can’t not go.”

“Have you told her she’s your mate?”

Nero shook his head. “I thought it would be a bad idea. We’ve only just met.” He chose to keep the details of his kiss to himself. That wouldn’t be the way to get Atlas on his side.

“So ditch her. Tell her you’re the fucking sheriff and the alpha. Tell her you don’t have time to play superhero.”
