Page 25 of Blood Chased

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Because she wanted to.

But there was a sister to save, and that was the only reason she was alone in a hotel room with a wolf.



After a solid fifteen minutes of arguing with Valentine about who should get the bed and who should sleep on the couch, Nero had to give up.

Valentine was one stubborn woman.

He had the bed.

She wouldn’t budge.

She didn’t seem to care that taking the bed while his mate was on the couch went against all of his values. But Val didn’t know she was his mate. If she had known, she would probably have called time-out on their excursion to save her sister.

Valentine said, “Goodnight.” Then she closed her eyes and turned toward the back of the couch, effectively ending the conversation.

Defeated by a petite woman, all Nero could do was shower.

He took his time, needing to clear his head. The run was supposed to do just that, but that wasbeforehe’d seen his mate naked.

Now, he was more keyed up than before.

All he could do was stand in the shower and let the spray of hot water pelt him until it ran out. He considered jerking off, but it felt wrong. Especially when the woman responsible for said erection was just on the other side of the door. It seemed like a waste to enjoy himself without her.

No one has seen me naked before.

Nero still couldn’t believe that.

Because it meant that Valentine might be a virgin.



How was that even possible? Had the entire straight male population in the world gone blind? How had not a single man tried to seduce her? Didn’t they see she was the most beautiful woman? That she was stubborn to a fault, but it was only to hide that soft side she liked to pretend wasn’t there?

That’s when it hit him.

Val didn’t want the bed and fought him on it. But she was stubborn about it because she’d never shared a bed with a man before.

“Damn.” He hissed the word, hoping that she was already sleeping and couldn’t hear him.

He slid his boxers on and gently cracked open the door, letting only a sliver of light through the darkened room. He listened carefully, and judging by the sound of Val’s breathing, she was out like a light.

He grinned as his plan solidified in his mind.

He wouldn’t force Valentine to share a bed with him, but there was still something he could do to be the perfect gentleman. He stood over her, watching her sleep. Not to be creepy. Nope. It was just kind of sweet to see her sleeping. Her soft, pillow lips were parted as her breath whooshed out.

With all the gentleness he had in his body, Nero took Valentine in his arms. He did it slowly and in increments. With every movement, he thought she would wake up and smack him upside the head for daring to touch her when she was sleeping.

To be fair, had she woken up, he wouldn’t have blamed her for being freaked out.

He reallyshouldn’tbe touching her.

The feel of her soft legs on his arms, the drag of her silky hair on his chest, the beating of her heart against his. All of it made his erection rear back to life with a vengeance.
