Page 27 of Blood Chased

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“What’s the real reason why you never dated? I can’t believe it’s because you didn’t get the chance.”

“Are you calling me a liar?” she challenged.

“No. But I don’t believe you.”

“I just never met anyone who met my standards.” She looked away, blushing red.

“Oh?” he asked, crossing his arms with interest. “And what are these standards that have kept you from being in a relationship?”

“None of your business,” she said. “Now, cover up that thing and get ready. We leave in five.”

“I like it when you’re bossy,” he replied. “No one is ever bossy with me. They’re always too scared that the alpha will be mad at them.”

“I’m not bossy,” she turned away and picked up her duffel bag to swing it over her shoulder. “I’ll be in the lobby.”

“Fine. Just tell me. Did I get any points for giving you the bed?”

She faced him and studied him for a few seconds. “You might’ve,” she said. “But you lost them all by moving me in my sleep.”

Nero laughed again. “Noted. Next time, I’ll wake you up.”

“There won’t be a next time,” she assured him.

Oh. There would be. Nero would make sure of it.



Valentine paced the hotel lobby with her duffel draped across her shoulders. The thing was too heavy because she didn’t know how to pack light.

It sure hadn’t helped that she was going to be sharing her space with Nero for days, if not weeks.

Now, he’d gone and done a weird thing.

He touched her when she was asleep.

Sure, it had been a sweet reason. He had decided to move her to the bed before taking the couch. It was probably the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for her, but that didn’t matter, did it?

Nero was a wolf alpha who surely wanted to wait for his mate, just like Reece.

If she lets herself get too attached to Nero, she might fall in love with him. Shit, if he kept sporting an erection around her, she might sleep with him.

And then what?

He would leave her for the woman he was meant to be with, and then she would have to deal with heartache and loss again.

Not. Happening.

Valentine had been separated from her mother, and that still made her sad. She was now separated from her best friend, and if she had to add losing him … whatever Nero would be to her, she couldn’t cope.

It was best to keep him at arm’s length.

He would just have to understand and respect her boundaries, and really, he needed to keep his erections under control! Jeez. Was the man made of testosterone? Was it a shifter thing?

It didn’t matter. It was none of her business.
