Page 49 of Blood Chased

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“You slept with her,” Reece said, surprising the hell out of Nero.

But it was Celestine’s gasp that got his attention. “You did? You slept with her? With my sister? Valentine? This high?” she stood to show how tall Val was. “Red hair? Attitude like an angry sixteen-year-old when the mall is closed?”

He chuckled at that. “She makes me laugh.”

“Well, my friend, you’ve got a warped sense of humor.” Celestine shook her head in disbelief. “I didn’t think she would ever let a man touch her.”

He winced. “Might not be the greatest way she …” He cleared his throat. “We were in the woods. In the clearing.”

Reece whistled. “Your favorite spot. You reallyareinto her.”

Celestine’s reaction was different. “My sister lost her virginity in the forest? Seriously? You couldn’t wait until you found a bed?”

Nero shook his head. “Honestly, we didn’t even have time. But that’s beside the point. Why is she mad at me?”

Celestine sighed. “You’re a dummy. She is feeling vulnerable. She is probably a little confused that you were able to scale her defenses in the woods. Of all places. There’s been a lot of change in her life recently, and maybe this was one change too many.”

Nero thought maybe their drive to save Lilliane … and all that had happened in those hotel rooms … but he wasn’t about to share that. It was bad enough he’d just talked about his sex life with Celestine and Reece.

He was just at a loss.

He’d never had a mate before … obviously … and he was fucking it up more than he could have thought possible. All because he forgot an important detail.

Change was scary as fuck, and in the last month, Val’s whole world had changed. Instead of understanding that, he just brought on more change.

He was an ass. An ass in love, but an ass, nonetheless.

If he was going to fix this, it would take finesse and patience, two things he didn’t have. But for Valentine, he would try.

For her, he would do anything.



Valentine didn’twantto be mad at Nero, but as she climbed the cabin steps, she couldn’t shake off the feeling she’d been used.

Why? How? She wasn’t sure, but grown-ass women didn’t just go around having sex in the woods unless some weird, freaky magic was involved.

You’re my mate.


After all those years of being picky and not letting one single man touch her … not that they were exactly beating down the door, but still! … she had slept with a wolf shifter in his favorite clearing.

Valentine could barely recognize herself now.

Maybe this was a good thing. Maybe with this new conundrum, she would be able to sit on the couch with Lilliane and dissect everything that had happened with Nero and get some perspective. Maybe this was what her sister needed … a return to the sister bond.

She swung the door open, fully expecting to find her sister still lying on the couch. “You willneverguess what just happened,” she called out.

But it wasn’t just Lilliane on the couch. There was someone else in the cabin.

“Well, well. Look what the wolf dragged in,” a silky voice said behind her.

Valentine stilled and scrunched her face up. She knew that voice, but she wasreallyhoping she was wrong.

Nikolas couldn’t be in her cabin.
