Page 140 of Forbidden Wish

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“Hey,” he said, grabbing her hand into both of his, taking it to his lap. “You are neither. You’re the hero in this story.”

She scoffed. “Good luck convincing anyone of that.”

“The only people who know the truth are people who have your back. We are in fucking awe of you and how strong you’ve been through this.”

“None of you would be in it if it wasn’t for me.”

“That’s not true, Genny. Ford and I got mixed up in that world all by ourselves twenty years ago, when we were kids. We’ve only been useful to you because we did all the fucking up in the past. You’ve kept us alive.”

She shook her head. “You’ve been the ones running around protecting me.”

“Because all we have is muscle, babe. You’re the brains in this and could’ve written your story any time.”

“Steeple wouldn’t have run it if it put lives at stake.”

“You’d have convinced him.” Their eyes met. “He publishes Sersha’s pieces, doesn’t he?”

“I don’t know how she does it. How she can peek into that world and still come out whole.”

“It exacts a price on everyone.” His grip loosened. “Which is why I’d understand if you wanted to get the fuck away from me and this city as fast as possible.”

“No.” Straightening, she caught his fingers with hers again. “Jagg, you’ve been my strength in this. My protector. My everything. I don’t want to be without you. I want to be with you. To live with you, love you and share our lives and…” But hope quickly faded. “Is it because of Strat? Because of Ford?”

“Is what because of them?”

“You said I was the best of people. If I write this story, I won’t be. If you don’t want to be with me—”

“I don’t want to watch this tear you apart. If you want to write your story, write it, your way.”

“They’ll kill you.”

He smiled. “No, they won’t, because we’ll toss everything we could need in the back of the truck and get out of here.”

“Strat and Ford—”

“Would be right there with us. We want you happy.”

“I’m sorry my dad hit you.”

Still that played on her mind.

“I’m happy he hit me.” His smile returned when her frown appeared. “That’s how much he loves you, Genny. The only people I want close to you are people who love you that much. People who love you like I do. And I disrespected him—”

“You did not! I am a grown woman—”

“I should’ve told him, Im. As soon as I knew I wanted to be with you, I should’ve told him.”

Harsh light flooded them. Headlights swung around in an arc until the car went out onto the road from Jagg’s lot. One of his guys, she hoped, heading home.

“We should go inside, make sure everyone is safe.”

Swerve had said his guys would go, but they needed to be sure. And who knew what damage could’ve been done in their absence?

They got out and walked in holding hands, all the way to the breakroom, catching Ford on his way out.

“I’m gonna talk to the guys,” Ford said, patting Jagg. “Want to come with and fill us in?”

Jagg looked at her for a nod, then went with his friend, leaving her to go into the breakroom alone. Coffee or wine or—Strat, standing by the TV.
