Page 142 of Forbidden Wish

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Her dad’s confusion brought a laugh to her lips.

Ford came in with Jagg just behind.

“Guys are gone and we’ve locked up,” Ford said, narrowing his eyes on them as they separated. “What are you two doing?”

“I’ll write Manzani’s story,” she said, drinking some more beer before handing the bottle to Jagg, who came to put an arm around her.

“Are you sure? I told you—”

“I know you support me, but this is going to keep all of us safe. Us, Sersha, Marseille, Yvonne. Maybe one day there will be a battle we can win over the Manzanis. We’re just biding our time.”

Jagg bowed to kiss her. “Whatever makes you happy.”

Hmm, her dad just said that too.

“You’re just gonna stand there?” Strat glared at his son. “Just stand there and let it happen?”

“No,” Ford said and went over to get his own beer from the fridge.

“You’re fine with your sister and the man you think of as a brother—”

“If you’re asking me, I say it’s disgusting and more than a little disturbing,” Ford said. “But I don’t think shouting and screaming will change anything. If I trust Jagg with my life, hers, and yours, why can’t I trust him to be a good man to my sister?”

“Thanks, man,” Jagg said.

“And not that I’ll ever repeat this…” Ford started, “but since they’ve been together, I’ve seen more of Im than I had in the last year. She isn’t so bad. Sometimes.” A point she hadn’t considered. “It keeps her around, which makes her easier to look after. Not that I actually give a shit about hanging out with her.”

He hid an obvious smile behind the neck of his bottle and winked at her as he drank.

“You’re right,” she said. “This will bring all of us closer together. We’ll be one big happy family. One step closer to grandkids.”

“We’re soundproofing your room,” Ford said, pointing his bottle at Jagg.

The tease didn’t hit her father right because his phone interrupted. As he read the screen, his brow descended.

“I’ve gotta go,” he said and touched her cheek. “You okay?”

She nodded. “Did something happen?”

“No, it’s good. I’m good,” Strat said, heading for the door. “Look after each other.”

After he was gone, they stood in silence for a few seconds.

“Was that acceptance?” she asked.

“I don’t even think he was listening,” Ford said, crossing the room. “We’ll order pizza and watch a movie, but you two are sitting at opposite ends of the couch.”

Ford was right, they would see more of each other. She’d worried about getting to know her dad, maybe it was time to learn some more about her big brother too.


“IT WAS JUST HIM?” Mila asked, sitting up in the hospital bed. “Bryan? It was all him?”

She nodded. “The police arrested him last night. Their case is strong, they’re sure it will stick. He’ll be going to prison for a long time and won’t be able to hurt anyone else.”

Without Manzani direction, it’s possible he’d never have killed at all. Choices.

Mila exhaled. “It’s difficult to know what to think. It’s all so… overwhelming, you know?”
