Page 72 of Countdown

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“You don’t think he’s going to find out that you’re flying us to Denver?”

“Not if we’re sneaky. Now, assuming we don’t get a call, I can meet you at the hangar in three hours. From here to Colorado is about a three-hour flight. However, that timetable will change if we get a call...”

“Right.” It would have to do. “Thank you. If Vince tells me Michael is going to be there, I want to get there ASAP. I’ll find a hotel or something for the two nights—I’ll pay for yours too. If you get a call, then you get a call.” She’d be praying for no call.

“But,” Penny said, “if the competition’s not for two days, what’s the rush?”

“Because he’ll be practicing. Kevin could decide to strike any moment. I feel like ... like ... I’m racing against a ticking clock—and Kevin. I have to beat him there or things could go south very fast.” She pressed a palm to her forehead. “Look, I know I’m making a lot of assumptions.” A whole lot. “But I just have to follow my gut on this one. We could get there and everything could be just fine, but with someone out to get me, I’m thinking my gut may not be too far off. If I’m wrong, I’m wrong.” But she really didn’t think she was.

Penny raised a brow. “All right, then. I’ll see you in three hours.”

“Thank you.” She gave her friend a quick hug and hurried back to find Vince. Lenny dutifully pounded behind her. They’d just announced the fundraiser and the fact that Michael would be participating in the event. Hadn’t they? Or had this been on the news before and she was simply spinning her wheels?

She didn’t know. A quick Google search showed Michael Harrison on the list of snowboarders to participate.

But would he really show up?

Even if he didn’t, the fact that he was on the list meant Kevin might.

With Lenny behind her, she returned to Vince’s room to find him ready to go. “Did you get Michael’s parents?”

“Yeah, they said they’re not letting him participate.”

Her shoulders wilted. “Seriously?”

“They said his name was supposed to be removed from the list of participants.”

“Oh. Okay then. That’s a relief.” She chewed her lip for a thoughtful moment, then shrugged. “I think we still need to go. I think this is my best shot at finally finding Kevin.”

“I agree.” Vince glanced at her empty hands and raised a brow at her. “I thought you were grabbing stuff from your locker.”

Raina followed his gaze and sighed. “I’m losing it.”

Lenny held up a hand. “I got this. Come on.”

Once Raina had her bag from her locker—the one her friends jokingly called her “go bag” for good reasons—she and Lenny returned to the ER.

Clay glanced at his phone, then nodded to the exit. “Vince said for me to escort you to the passenger seat when he pulled up.”

“He did, huh?”

“Yes, ma’am.” Lenny nodded.

A light drizzle fell outside the glass doors and Raina grimaced. “Great,” she whispered. “Cold and rainy.”

Clay side-hugged her. “You need to move to Florida. Or the Mojave Desert.”


“It’ll be warm in the truck and the plane. You’ll be fine.” He cleared his throat. “Someone will keep me updated, right?”

“Of course.” Raina turned to the guard. “Thank you for all your help today, Lenny. I really do appreciate it.”

The man turned scarlet and he ducked his head. Looking up, he patted her shoulder. “Happy to do it, Raina. Be safe.”

Vince pulled to the curb and Clay opened the door for her. She tossed her bag in the back and slipped into the passenger seat.

Clay nodded and met Vince’s gaze. “Let me know if you need anything.”
