Page 23 of Bain

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“Well… I have perfected the art of non-monogamous booty calls so if you ever want advice, let me know.”

Although apparently I’m willing to give monogamous ones a try. At least I willingly went into that agreement with Bain, all because we made a mistake and had unprotected sex. While that ultimately turned out fine and opened the door for us to ditch the condoms, I do wonder if maybe the monogamy aspect has made this a little similar to a committed relationship and that’s why Bain and I haven’t been trying overly hard to make plans to get together.

Or, that little prick of my conscience says,You’re afraid it could turn into something more so you’re sabotaging this before it gets going.

“Have you had booty calls since coming to Pittsburgh?” Danica asks.

Heat prickles on the back of my neck thinking about my last one with Bain. Let’s just say he takes sixty-nine to a whole new level. “Yes, I have and it was fabulous.”

“I want to be like you when I grow up.” Danica sighs, but I’m not so sure I’m all that grown up. I avoid commitment like it’s a scaly disease and part of that is my inability to see past my own limited experiences. Not very mature, I know, but I’m comfortable with my decisions.

For the next half hour, I manage to put Bain out of my mind and instead slip into the ease of pure friendship I have with Danica. I tell her about Drake’s proposal to Brienne on the horizon and we bat around ideas to make it special.

“He should take out a front page ad in thePittsburgh Timesand ask her that way,” Danica says with a laugh.

It’s a running joke in this city that Drake has had a tumultuous relationship with the press. They dogged him relentlessly when Crystal made up false allegations about him betting on hockey and then he turned around and announced right on national TV that he was in love with Brienne Norcross—his boss.

“Oh God, that would be funny.” I laugh. “I’m going to suggest it to him.”

Danica shakes her head. “It really should be done privately. I can see Drake doing it at a family dinner with the boys. I know that’s more Brienne’s style and he’s going to make it perfect for her.”

“Nailed it,” I exclaim, because as powerful, wealthy and somewhat famous as Brienne is, she’d prefer to be at home with Drake and the kids rather than have some razzle-dazzle.

Danica puts her sandwich down and wipes her fingers on a napkin. Eyes laced with concern, she asks, “How’s your work going?”

I sigh, my shoulders slumping ever so slightly. “It’s good.”

Danica looks at me pointedly, not willing to accept that.

“Fine,” I say with a laugh, holding out my hands in surrender. “Work is fine.”

“But,” she prods.

“But I want to go back to school to become a nurse practitioner. I’m not cut out to work from home long term and want to get back to patient care.”

Danica nods empathetically, her brows furrowing with understanding. She knows I’ve been antsy, not finding as much fulfillment in a remote position. “Why can’t you enroll in school?”

I shake my head in resignation. “It’s not a good time. Drake depends on me so much with the boys that I need to be flexible.”

As soft as Danica’s expression is, I also see something a little steely within. “You’re such a caring sister, Kiera. It’s admirable how you prioritize your family, especially your nephews. But Drake is more than capable of finding help with the boys, especially now that he has Brienne in his life.”

I’m startled by her suggestion. “Oh, no. I couldn’t do that to Drake or the boys. They depend on me.”

Danica nods. “I get it. I really do. But you can’t do that forever and I seriously doubt that Drake expects that of you. You came here to help him get settled and provide stability for the boys with the move. Well, they’re all settled. Sure, you can babysit and watch the boys on occasion, but Drake and Brienne have the resources to lessen that burden on you, so maybe you can get back on track with what you want to do with your life.”

It has never once crossed my mind to move away from my responsibilities and the support I promised Drake. But she’s absolutely right. When he asked me to move to Pittsburgh, he told me it was just to help him and the boys get settled. I don’t think it was ever supposed to be permanent. I sort of believed I’d move back home to Minnesota when he was stable, but I’m finding I like Pittsburgh a lot.

I push it aside because Drake and Brienne are so damn busy and have so much going on, it’s not a good time to think of such things.

Lunch is over far too fast and I never feel like I get enough time with Danica. Walking out of Primanti’s and button our coats against the cold.

We step into a quick hug. “Let’s get the boys together soon. Maybe Travis can do an overnight.”

While he’s a few years older than Jake, all four kids play well together. We’ve done a few outings as a group.

“He’d love that.” Danica checks her watch and frowns. “I’ve got to get going to make the carpool line. He’ll be furious if I’m late since he’s going skating this afternoon with Camden.”

My eyebrows jet upward. “Really?
