Page 26 of Bain

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I slip out from under the tree and nudge Kiera out of the way. Reaching in through the prickly branches, I lift the tree from the base and manage to wrangle it outside with help from Kiera guiding me out the front door. As soon as I step onto the driveway, a few snowflakes dust my face and I take in the change in the weather. The sky is filled with gray clouds and the wind is stirring. It’s fucking cold as hell since I didn’t bother with my coat, so I double-time it to the curb where I deposit the remnants of Christmas.

As I turn, I see Kiera on the porch watching me, her arms wrapped around herself to ward off the cold. The wind blows strands of hair around her face and I can see she’s freezing as she waits for me to return.

When I reach the top step, without hesitation and operating only on instinct, I wrap my arms around her and pull her close. She comes willingly, and for the moment, all the weirdness is gone, even though it’s slightly odd for me to be touching her in a non-sexual way.

Rubbing my hands briskly over her back, I ask, “Any reason you’re out here without a coat?”

She burrows into me. “You don’t have one.”

“Ahh,” I say with a chuckle. “But I have shoes on and you only have socks.” I release her, turn her toward the door and swat her on the ass playfully. “Get inside.”

She gives a return glare over her shoulder but before she turns her back on me, I see the glint of amusement in her eyes. I follow her in and she heads to the kitchen. “Want something to drink?”

“Coffee?” I ask.

“I got you covered.”

Kiera makes us each a cup in a very fancy machine that grinds the beans for you. We stand at the counter, sipping our drinks. “Thank you for helping. That was sweet.”

“So, what’s next? Clean the house, grocery shopping or laundry?”

She glances around and shrugs. “Not sure yet. I’ll figure it out after you leave.”

Bringing the mug of fragrant coffee to my lips, I stare at her over the edge before actually taking a sip. “Oh, I’m not leaving.”

Kiera’s eyebrows shoot up.

“I’m helping you today,” I clarify.

“But why?” she asks suspiciously.

“Why not?”

She’s totally annoyed with me now. “Because we’re just fuck buddies, Bain. We fuck and that’s it.”

“No, that’s not quite true.”

Pursing her lips, she puts a hand on her hip. “You’ve got to explain that one to me.”

“We’re friends with benefits,” I explain. “That isn’t the same as fuck buddies. There’s a friend element that, granted, we haven’t quite exercised yet, but it’s there. So I’m hereas a friendto help you out.”

Kiera’s brow furrows slightly, her eyes narrowing. “You want to be friends?”

“Why not?”

“Because it’s not what we’re supposed to be doing.” Setting her cup down, she turns away with an exasperated gush of air.

She moves to the sink, looking at the gray-tinged landscape outside. I set my cup down and move behind her.

I speak in the language of control and touch, one hand gripping her hip and the other wrapping around her chest. I step in close, trapping her against the counter. The minute our bodies touch, she instantly relaxes. She sinks into me and for all her bluster that she doesn’t have time for such things today, she’s capitulated and I could fuck her if I wanted.

I do something far more important, though. Putting my mouth near her ear, I murmur, “What you and I have is not easily defined. It’s a first for me. I’m starting to understand you might be out of your element too.”

“But neither of us wants a commitment,” she says.

“You’re right. We don’t owe each other anything, and yet here I am… having a not-so-bad time helping you out today. What do you know? I tried something different and I liked it. You liked having me here too.”

She doesn’t reply and I expect that’s because she’s afraid to voice the truth. It’s more than confirmed when she turns, draping her arms over my shoulders. Her voice is husky, provocative. “How about I blow everything off and we just go to my room and break the bed?”

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