Page 27 of Bain

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Instantly, my cock agrees, jumping in my pants. “I am never going to say no to you if you want to have sex. So let’s do it.” Triumph gleams in Kiera’s eyes and she grabs my hand to lead me to her room. I hold my ground, though, and she looks back at me curiously. “After we’re done fucking, though, we’ll go to the grocery store and do your shopping. Then we’ll come back and I can help you clean, do laundry. We’ll cook dinner together and—”

More confusion flickers in her eyes. “That sounds like a date.”

“No,” I growl, pulling on her hand and jerking her to me. I nuzzle into her neck. “That’s friends with benefits. We’ll do the benefits part right now, then friends later, okay?”


My mouth moves to hers, capturing her lips in a cock-hardening kiss. Lifting her in my arms, Kiera’s legs go around my waist. I turn for the bedroom, unrelenting in my assault because if I do, she might get back in her head again.

I don’t know why I’m pushing this friends-with-benefits thing—and exercising the friends part of it—since all I’ve done the last few days is try to get her out of my mind. All I know is that at this moment, and whatever led me to be where I am right now, it feels right.



Ifight againstthe drooping of my eyes and the pull of slumber. Bain is deep under and I’ve been listening to his heartbeat as my head rests on his chest. The rise and fall tells me he’s sound asleep.

Ordinarily, after an enthusiastic, raucous round of sex, Bain leaves. But this time is different.

Everything about today is different, from the moment he showed up on my doorstep to his proclamation that we needed to exercise the friends part of our relationship. Not sure I believed that, but since he wanted to knock some of our benefits out of the way, I was all for it. I fully expected him to roll out of bed and proclaim he had stuff of his own to do. I certainly don’t expect him to help me with cleaning the house, laundry or grocery shopping.

But he didn’t leave.

He stayed in bed and pulled my sweaty, naked and exhausted body half on top of him. His hand stroked my lower back as we both floated down to earth, but within a few minutes, he had fallen asleep.

I lift my head and stare at his peaceful expression. Bain is one of those guys who’s always smiling and has a perpetually mischievous look on his face. All of that is smoothed out now as he sleeps, and I resist the urge to brush aside a lock of his dark hair that’s fallen over his forehead.

I could wake him up and kick him out. What we do best is already done, but instead, I slowly push myself off him and slide out of bed without waking him. A quick trip to the restroom to clean up, because this whole sex without a condom thing—while hot as hell—is messy. After I nab the T-shirt he’d been wearing under his Titans sweatshirt, I slither into it. It swallows me up, coming just below mid-thigh, but it smells so damn good.

Grabbing my laundry basket as quietly as I can, I slip out of the bedroom, pulling the door shut behind me.

The first thing I do is start a load of clothes before considering what part of the house to clean first. The living room needs a good vacuuming from all the dead pine needles. But that will create noise and for some reason, I feel proprietary of Bain’s sleep. Well, I know the reason… he made me come three times before finally letting himself go so he deserves a nap.

Smiling to myself, I put my earbuds in, crank up some Lizzo and start on the kitchen. I unload the dishwasher and reload it with a sink full of dishes I’d let accumulate. I shimmy, bop and gyrate to “Juice,” and by the time I’m scrubbing a pan that I made a casserole in a few days ago, I’m extolling right along with Lizzo about how much I love “Boys.”

I do a running-man shuffle from the sink to the cabinet to return the casserole dish and after closing the door, I prepare to shuffle to the laundry room.

I screech as I see Bain standing there, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. Wearing nothing but his briefs, he’s grinning at me as one of my hands goes to my heart, which nearly leapt out of my chest. I remove one earbud.

“Jesus, you scared the crap out of me,” I gasp.

“Did anyone ever tell you that you got some serious fucking moves?” he asks, eyes dancing with amusement.

“A time or two,” I reply dryly. “I was a dancer long before I became a nurse.”

“Really?” He pushes off the wall and walks toward me. Bain takes me by the hips but doesn’t pull me in, merely stares down at me with interest. “What type of dancing?”

“A bit of everything from ballet to jazz to tap. I really got into hip-hop in high school and was on a dance team in college.”

“It’s sexy as fuck,” he says, leaning back to take me in. “Especially in my T-shirt.”

“Maybe I’ll twerk for you sometime,” I tease.

Bain releases me, his hands clasped over his chest. “Please, please don’t let that be a joke.”

Snickering, I lay my earbuds on the counter. “I’ve got to switch the laundry.”

“How come you didn’t wake me up?” he asks as he follows.
