Page 28 of Bain

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“You deserved it after the orgasms you gave me.”

“Got more where those came from,” he says, his tone suggestive enough that I know he’d dole them out right now. But before I can discern if I want to blow off more work to jump back into bed, he says, “Where’s your vacuum? I’ll start on the living room.”

For the next two hours, Bain helps me clean the house. There’s not much to it since I mainly only use the living room, kitchen and my bedroom, but things accumulate since I’m so busy. He even helps me fold my laundry, insisting on handling my panties and bras so he can check them out.

We talk amiably as we work at the dining room table where I dumped all the clothes fresh out of the dryer.

“What was your Christmas like this year?” I ask curiously. “You said you already put your decorations away.”

Bain’s inspecting a black thong as he answers, “My parents came to visit.”

“Are you close to them?”

“Very. Also to my older brother, Carson, but he jetted off to Cabo with his girlfriend. What about your parents?”

“My dad bolted when I was little. I don’t really remember him so it’s just been me, Drake and my mom.”

“And she’s back in Minnesota?” he asks, his eyes flicking to me before going back to fold a pair of lime-green panties.

“Yeah… she’s got a huge group of friends there and is active in the church.”

“That’s cool.” Bain holds up a lacy black bra. “You were wearing this Tuesday night.”

Laughing, I shake my head. “Good memory.”

“Hard to forget you in black lace,” he mutters, and my tummy flutters over the awe in his voice. He folds it and sets it on the pile. “When are we going grocery shopping? And what are we making for dinner?”

I pause folding a pair of jeans, tipping my head slightly. “Is this becoming an all-day thing?”

“And an all-night thing,” he clarifies. “Maybe we should have pasta tonight so we can get good carb energy.”

I choke I laugh so hard, shaking my head. “Wow, things changed fast.”

“But we’re not dating,” he reminds me in a stern voice.

“No, of course not,” I mimic very seriously. “Not dating at all.”

Bain’s hand shoots out and grabs my wrist. He tugs me to him and drops his other hand to my ass, which is still very bare under his T-shirt. His fingers lightly stroke one cheek. “We don’t have practice tomorrow since we’re getting ready to go on a seven-day road trip. What do you think of me hanging with you since it’s the weekend?”

“I thought you hockey pros either practiced, worked out or played a game seven days a week.”

“I mean… a typical week is three to four games, one to two practices and then off-ice training, so yeah… we’re pretty hard-core. But tomorrow we get recuperation time, and with the extended road trip, we’re all taking it easy.”

This I knew because Drake had told me he and Brienne were going to chill out with the kids. That left me two days to clean the house, read books and do whatever I wanted.

But now it seems I might get to have sex all weekend.

“We would need lots of carbs,” I muse, tapping my finger on my chin.

“And water,” Bain says with a grin. “We need to stay hydrated.”

“So if I’m hearing you correctly, we’ll stay here and have sex for the next two solid days?”

“I mean… I’ve heard of crazier things.”

I pretend to mull it over, eyes lifting to the ceiling as I hum low in my throat. When I bring my gaze back to his face, I shrug. “I suppose I’ve got nothing better to do.”

Bain moves so fast, I give a startled yip, but he has me in his arms and spins me around a few times. I’m dizzy as he lets me slide down his body, so very slowly. The friction as parts of me rub against parts of him is tantalizing, and when my feet hit the floor, something rumbles from Bain’s chest. A deep growl of need.

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