Page 29 of Bain

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Suddenly, his T-shirt is gone and he has me spun around, facing the dining table. “Hands behind your back,” he orders as he snatches the black lace bra he’d been fingering a bit ago.

I comply and he uses it to bind me.

Chills break out all over my body because I have no clue what he’s going to do with me.

I can’t say it’s a disappointment when he turns me around and one large hand threads through my long hair. He grips tight at the back of my head. “Get on your knees for me, Kiera.”

I let him push me down, no fight or hesitation from me. My knees gently come to rest on the plush rug under the dining table and Bain frees his burgeoning erection from his briefs.

Tipping my head back, I look up at him. Naked desire flushes his face, but I also see something in his eyes that’s close to wonder as he watches my mouth open for him. I give him a long lick and he hisses. “Christ… you’re going to be the death of me.”

A slip of a smile breaks free but then is replaced by his cock in my mouth. Bain’s eyes close, his head lolls back and he groans as I suck him in deep.

Fingers brush alongmy neck and my eyes pop open.

“You’re starting to drift off,” Bain says. “Want to go to bed?”

“Not really,” I say as I push onto my elbow. I’d been lying on the couch, my head on Bain’s thigh as we watched a movie.

Today has been a nonstop whirlwind of discovery with this man. From us barely speaking this week to him hanging with me all day and wanting to stay the rest of the weekend. Rousing sex, good conversation, excellent food. The only downside is the movie we chose is so boring, I can barely keep my eyes open.

“What do you want to do?” he asks as I twist my neck to look at him. He holds one hand out as if to ward me off. “But don’t say sex. I’ve had far too much today.”

I grin at him. “People like you and me… we can never have too much.”

He nods with a grave expression. “So true.”

I have an idea. I pop up and move to the other end of the couch, the armrest supporting my back, my legs crossed in front of me. “Let’s just talk.”

Bain gives a dramatic groan, letting his head flop against the couch. “Ugh… women… always wanting to talk.”

I kick his thigh. He laughs, latching onto my leg and dragging me across the couch. I’m powerless to stop him and next thing I know, I’m straddling his lap.

But he doesn’t touch me in any way other than to rest his hands on my thighs. “Okay… what do you want to talk about?”

“Well, you’re the one who opened the door to this whole friends thing. But it got me thinking… why are we the way we are? Let’s be honest… you and I were both cooling things off the last few days and we were doing it intentionally.”

Bain stares at me, almost as if he’s perplexed by my straightforward observation. His hands squeeze my legs. “Yeah… I was backing away.”

“And I wasn’t exactly scrambling to make time for you,” I say.

“And yet here we are, spending the weekend together as friends.”

“There was sex involved, though, and that was by far the better part of the day. No offense to either of us as friends.”

“No offense taken.” He laughs. “But yeah… why are we the way we are? I guess I’m just young and don’t want to settle down. My parents were a bit older before they got married and they always preached to me and my brother to live our lives to the fullest before we got married and had kids.”

“That’s fair. And probably good advice.”

Bain’s hands move to my hips. “What about you? Still sowing your wild oats?”

I snort. “You make it sound like I’m fucking half of Pittsburgh.”

“I wouldn’t judge if you were,” he says.

“No, you wouldn’t.” Bain is as progressive as they come and has never once made me feel bad for having a healthy sexual appetite. And I’ve made no apologies for it.
