Page 29 of Gentling the Beast

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I didn’t hurt him. Maybe he’s putting on a brave face, or... No, I saw it in his eyes. He liked what I did, but maybe it frightened or shocked him, or a little bit of both.

I come, gasping and squealing and riding his face with pleasure. He surges up and collapses beside me, pulling my smaller body against his, and tucks his hand between my legs, working a single thick finger deep inside my pussy in a very determined way. I dare not even murmur a protest, sensing I have already pushed boundaries. I’m so fiercely aroused, not only because of what he is doing to me but also because of the wondrous surge of hope I feel for us.

I should tell him about Trent, but I hate to let that man spoil what has happened here. The matter is not yet urgent. I’ll make sure that I do not go anywhere alone or give Trent the opportunity to corner me again. If he intended to tell the masters, he would have already done so. No, he wants to hold this over me to force my compliance. And, either way, we are all bondservants and might be sent elsewhere at any moment, so I might never see Trent again. How much time I have is unknown, but I do have some.

Precious time that I want to spend with Doug.



I’m not a male with a high sexual appetite. I hate that part of me—the sight of the hideous scarring. I hate those occasions when I take my deformed cock in hand and the guilt I suffer afterward like I am unworthy of pleasure.

I crush the memory of her kissing me there lest my cock harden again, which would be a disaster given we are marching through the streets of Krug on the way to the palace.

Ahead of me are Melody and Bard. The fairy child is already talking about toffee apples like it is a given that she shall be indulged. There is a tightness around Bard’s eyes—he worries about his charge. Beside me is Jasmine, who is quiet and keeps sending shy glances my way that are a test of control.

I should be focusing on any threats from the crowded streets, but I am distracted by thoughts of this evening and when I touch the slick place between her legs again.

Only there is something niggling me, a strange pressure at the back of my skull that tells me something is amiss. Maybe life has taught me that happiness is not for me, that whatever I experience now will soon be ripped away. Life is harsh, and I am nothing but an ugly, scared orc who is unworthy of a mate.

I force myself to concentrate on the matter at hand as we traverse the streets of Krung, arriving promptly at the gates to the palace. This time it is not Jendrick’s office and workshop that we go to, but the large portal room housed deep beneath the palace. It’s said that in ancient times this site was nothing but a desert. The discovery of the portal brought the first settlers here. The settlement became a town, and the town became a city, eventually rising to become the mighty capital of the Blighten.

When I first visited, I was a young lad, new to service, and the city had overwhelmed me with its vastness. It is still a vast place, a sprawling conglomeration of peoples and orcs. I am low among our kind. My present status is elevated because I have been granted the right to mate and protect Jasmine, a companion to the fairy child. We have both risen up past our previous ranks, although she is still a bondservant, and I am still a lesser orc. Our only duty is to follow the fairy in whatever she might do.

It does not take a scholar to work out that dangerous matters that are afoot. The fairy, a strange, funny little thing who’s obsessed with toffee apples and does not even have wings, possesses power beyond my understanding. A power that has drawn the attention of Rignor, the Blighten’s warlord. He seeks to use Melody. To what end? I can only guess it involves the portal and the assimilation of new lands.

The child is all innocence as she skips along the streets, pointing out the various shops to Bard and asking him about things. She’s but a pawn in greater games. The Blighten are hungry, living to conquer, moving ever onward in one direction or the other.

Only, their expansion in this world has met with resistance. Where they previously pressed to the southwest into Imperium lands, I’ve heard progress is all but halted, and, worse for them, previously conquered ground is being lost. Then there are ventures into Hydornia, to our southeast, which have met with fierce resistance after the border settlements received reinforcements. So the Blighten have moved in other directions, further east over the mountains into the lands held by shifters and the barbarian clans, although the route is treacherous and the pickings slim as they search for bondservants.

In the face of this resistance, they turn their gaze with increasing interest to the worlds beyond the portal, which they have dipped into over the eons since they acquired a portal key.

Scholars like Jendrick, with the help of this key, are able to control the portal’s destinations. Without the key, traveling through a portal is to travel a rudderless ship and, worse, have no way back home. They can pick destinations at will. This is nothing new. They have been doing this for many years, although on a smaller scale. But recently, with the pushbacks in our world and the limited number of bondservants to be gathered, they have increasingly taken to portal lands.

I have traveled through a portal before, stepping into the oily blackness that rips your soul from your body and reinstates it as you emerge on the other side. My portal journeys took me from the seaport at Bleakness to Krug and back again.

I have never left this world for another, and I do not wish to do so.

As we enter the portal room, Jendrick has already called the portal, and it gleams and sparks with life. As always, I stand beside the entrance, and Jasmine goes to sit against one wall, where she takes out her mending and begins to work.

Melody immediately slips from Bard’s side and skips over to the ungodly thing.

“Melody, come away.” Bard’s voice is sharp with stress.

Jendrick turns and sees how close Melody is, her small hand dipping into the glittering surface.


She pulls her hand back.

Jendrick clasps the large stone in his hand and chants under his breath—the portal winks out, and we all heave a sigh of relief. Goodness knows where it was pointing to and where the child might have gone had she slipped through.

“We do not play with portals, child,” Jendrick admonishes softly. “We have spoken about this before. You do not know what is on the other side. We only pass through it in a controlled manner and with an escort.”

“Will we go through the portal today?” she asks. She does not walk anywhere in a straight line and takes a meandering path from the portal over to the station, where Jendrick is looking over the runes. “What does this one do?” She points at the large round one with a jagged symbol that looks like lightning.

“It doesn’t do anything on its own,” Jendrick says. “We must select a sequence.”
