Page 39 of Gentling the Beast

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I can be very persuasive when I need to be, and I believe that, if I insist, he will.

Only that is for another night, for tonight we have matters to be resolved.

As I hasten down the stairs and turn left into the corridor that leads out to the stables and the barracks, where our small room is nestled beside the main house, a man steps out of the shadows and places himself in my path.

The hairs on the back of my neck rise as fear curls in my belly. It is dark here, and I see little more than an outline, yet instinctively I know who it is. My footsteps falter and then come to a stop as I weigh up my options, whether I should run back to Bard… whether that would even help.

My heart gallops in my chest. I believe running would be a bad idea and likely to escalate matters. Besides, Trent is close enough that he would likely catch me.

Trent takes a step forward and into a square of weak light spilling from an open window. I see the calculation on his face. “Have you been avoiding me, Jasmine?”

I swallow and shake my head. “It is late, Trent. I have had a busy day, and I have duties early on the morrow.”

His lips tug up. “Yes, I heard you all rallied to help Pippa. Not that the sniveling cunt deserves it.”

I blanch at his callous words.

He steps closer—I take a step back. “And we all have duties early on the morrow… Did you forget about our little chat?”

“No, I did not.” I take another step, but he is faster, and he boxes me against the archway and the wall. Raising a hand, he slowly brushes my hair back from my cheek.

My stomach churns. I think about Pippa and what she was forced to endure because of this foul man who rutted her even though they weren’t mated.

“Now you’ve got a mate, no one will question if you’re with child. I’d say you’ve been well broken in by Doug, only the orc bastard has been mutilated, I heard. Did you know what the surgeons did to him when he was a youngling? How they tried to cut off his knot?” He smirks. “He hasn’t rutted you, has he? The bastard is broken and can’t get it up. But that’s okay. I know that I can, and I have a mind to breed me a whelp in your belly. No one will know it’s not Doug’s, will they, Jasmine? You won’t tell them.” He chuckles. “And it’s not like Doug can tell them. If the baby looks human, no one’s going to care either way. And after that whelp is born, you’ll be fertile again and ready for another. It will be our little secret.”

His words horrify me.

They also galvanize me into action. Shoving him away, I catch him off guard and slip away.

He curses, and his footfalls follow. At the other end of the long corridor is the door to the courtyard. If only I can get through, I have a chance.

His fingers snag my hair, tearing a cry from my lips as he pulls a chunk of strands out. He grabs my elbow and spins me around, then his palm connects with my cheek and sends me stumbling. The blow rattles my head, and I taste blood.

Clamping one hand over my mouth, he drags me away, down the corridor, and out the back. I have never been this way before, but I recognize the narrow passage that leads to the extension.

I kick and thrash, nails raking his wrists, panicking as I recognize my fate, that he is taking me away from where anyone might hear.

A cloud passes over, blocking the weak moonlight and plunging us into darkness. All I see are shapes and outlines of walls as he half carries, half drags me over a mound of sand before pushing me down.

Then he is on me, his greater weight crushing me into the gritty ground, his hands grasping my clothing. The sound of my bodice tearing strikes further terror into my heart.

This is happening.

As his fist closes around my throat, taking my breath, I try to kick out again and swing my small fists.

“Stupid bitch.” Spittle flies from his lips as he stares down at me, face contorted with rage. “I’d have made your first time good. But, make no mistake, I’m breeding you. If my seed doesn’t catch this time, I’ll be coming for you again.” He leans in close and licks up the side of my face. “Tell Doug. I dare you, and I’ll tell them how he protected you after you fled.”

My vision has turned to sparkling dots. I’m on the verge of blacking on. My heart is thudding so wildly I feel as though it might beat out of my chest. Then his hands are down between us, pulling up my dress and the realization brings me a fresh burst of energy. My muscles quiver with the strain as I try to blink away the darkness swamping my mind.

My terrible vulnerability hits me harder than a blow. I do not court death, but nor do I fear it, for I shall join my parents at the Goddess’ side. No, what I fear is the terrible things that can happen in between.



News came today that Edwin, after visiting with the warlord, will be leaving. The nature of his mission, or what is requested of him, is unknown to me, for I am only a lowly orc. But the consequences mean that we are to labor all fucking day, barely taking a break, before we go to it once again. We will be leaving; that is as much as I know. They want us to shift as many sacks of grit and mud bricks as possible over the next few days so that the building work may continue after we are gone.

The sun is fucking hot, and I sweat like the beast I am. Even Trent, who is usually a mouthy fucker, is beaten down by the work. We carry on, right through to dusk, until finally, when the light gives out, and torches cannot help, we are given leave to clean up for the night.
