Page 42 of Gentling the Beast

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Not immediately, anyway, although the repercussions of Trent having seen me flee have followed me all the way to here and now.

The two events jumble up in my mind.

No one is rushing to mention Doug’s beast. My glimpse was fleeting before he changed back to an orc.

No one saw.My instincts tell me that it is for the best.

In my heart, I know his beast also saved me from the bear, although that memory is far less fresh and tangible.

My eyes shift to Bard before returning to Edwin. I’m at his mercy, and so is Doug.

On the other side of the room, Edwin brings his pacing to a stop and turns his gaze to me. He picks up an ornate carver chair, places it down before the couch, and sits.

I don’t know where to look. My heart is racing. The last thing I remember was him saying that both Doug and I would be whipped.

“Fear not, Jasmine,” Edwin says gruffly. “You’re not about to be whipped. I was vexed with my steward who, while a highly capable manager, is wont to forget his place. My head cook, Bard, Bron, and half my damn household have already pushed my temper by rushing to tell me how no fault lies with you. Even though not one of them has a clue what went on, save Bron saw Trent corner you last week. Besides which, the warlord would roast my balls over a hot fire should I be the cause of anything that might distract Melody from her portal work.”

“Melody?” I turn to Bard.

“Is blessed with an ability to sleep through anything. A maid is sitting in the room, and another shall come and fetch me should she wake.”

I relax a fraction.

“Doug is refusing to cooperate,” Edwin says, returning my focus to the matter at hand. “Not so much as a nod or shake when questioned. Can you tell us what happened?”

I meet Edwin’s dark gaze, knowing I dare not look away when I am about to lie by omission. Trent is gone now, and I’m ashamed to admit the only thing I feel about the death of a fellow human is relief. “He wanted to lay with me. I said no. That I was with Doug and mated to him.” A blush stains my cheeks. “I like Doug very much and have no desire to be with anyone else nor to pitch men and orcs against one another. Tonight, I was returning to my quarters when Trent cornered me again. It was dark, and Doug would usually be waiting for me. He was not tonight.”

Edward’s eyes shift over my shoulder, and I turn to look, finding the captain of the guard standing beside the door.

“Doug, along with several of the guards who had no duties today, were tasked with working on the extension, ferrying supplies to the site. They worked until late. Trent left earlier on an errand for the steward.”

My heart breaks a little knowing this might have been avoided, only had I known and waited a little longer with Bard. I should have spoken to Doug sooner. I shall forever suffer guilt that I did not.

“How did you come to be at the building site?” Edwin asks, frowning now.

“T-trent dragged me there when I t-tried to run.” I cannot get any more out. I must swallow several times to keep the bile from rising in my throat. “Doug must have come looking for me.”

Edwin nods. “Doug has stepped over a line, and this is not the first time,” he says, ominously. “He will need to be made an example of. But he is tough. He will endure it, and he will recover. This is the way of the Blighten, even though he was defending his mate. It was not his right to take a life. Had you come to me, I would have dealt with Trent. Doug is not the lord here and has no right of execution over someone that does not belong to him.”

I swallow thickly, my throat working. Edwin reminds me with those words that I am not free but owned. I believe he would have punished Trent, for I have heard other bondservants mention that he suffers no mischief. Only I could never have gone to him about Trent, nor anybody, because if I had, Trent would have betrayed me out of spite.

My eyes pool with tears. I have been so foolish. “I’m sorry that Doug will need to be whipped because of me… I should like to accept the punishment.”

“What nonsense!” Bard says.

Edwin lifts an impatient hand. “You’ll do no such thing. This is not the first time Doug has felt the taste of the whip. I dare say it won’t be the last. He is an orc and will suffer no lasting damage. And even so, I would have more trouble on my hands than I need should I have you whipped. Do you think Doug would stand by and allow that? No, the bastard would go on a rampage.”

I nod in understanding. “What will happen now?”

“Now, you will get some rest. Doug will remain under guard, and tomorrow, when I am clear-headed, I will decide.”

Dismissed, I leave with Bard. I insist that I am fine, and then I go to the narrow room I share with Doug. It may only have a rough mattress and few other necessities, but it is where I can let all the sorrow out. I cling to the scratchy blanket that holds his lingering scent and wish that Doug was here. I’m broken by what my actions have caused, even though I understand that Trent is a wicked man and the fault must lie with him.

Tomorrow, when Edwin makes his decision, I know I shall be broken all over again.



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