Page 5 of Gentling the Beast

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I am quick about it, rushing to the trees and back again, so anxious I do not look where I’m going and near collide with a man.

Trent.My heart thuds a wild tattoo in my chest when he puts his arm out to block my path.

“I’ve got some nice jerky and a good size crust of bread.”

My lips tremble. I cannot look him in the eyes. Trent is big, intimidating, and far more powerful than me. He smells strongly of stale sweat. The thought of taking his cock into my mouth makes me want to vomit. Yet, I fear it will not end well if I attempt to deny him.

His fingers close over my hair, and he tugs, not unkindly, but enough that I must look up. “On your knees, lass.” As he applies a little pressure, I drop.

Panic crawls up inside me and takes command. I know I should do this, should loosen his belt, pull his pants down, and take his cock into my mouth. It is the way of surviving, and survive I must.

My mother begged me to do whatever I must, right before she was cut down. I owe it to her to survive, yet in my heart, I can’t believe she meant it to be like this.

It is the first time. It will get better, I tell myself.

Only my revulsion is real, and I cannot move forward.

When I try to push him away, he tightens his grip and gives me a little shake.

Then he grunts, as though in great pain.

When I glance up, I find a huge, very pale fist closed around his throat.

Trent’s grip on me goes slack. A blow sends him tumbling and blood splatters from his mouth in a great arc.

I cower down on the ground, my hands flying to my mouth as I take in the beast who looms over Trent.

Trent growls and surges to his feet. “Fuck off, Doug. This is nothing to do with you. You don’t even touch the women. Lass was willing enough, at least she would have been once I’d broken her in. Doing her a favor. Everyone knows the orc bastards don’t give them enough food. If she wants a full belly of a night, she’ll learn to suck cock.”

The beast curls his lips back and growls.

“Fuck you!” Trent snarls and cuts a glare my way before stalking off.

I would likely empty my bladder at this point had I not just done so. I should have tended to the human. Now, I’ve drawn the interest of one of the beasts. He doesn’t look entirely like an orc, for his skin is too pale. Yet in every other way, every inch of monstrous flesh, he is an orc.

His hand reaches out to me. It is easily twice the size of mine. I stare at it, my breathing fast and shallow, my heart thumping wildly in my chest. Why does he offer me his hand?

I glance up, all the way up, and find myself staring into the coldest blue eyes I’ve ever seen. They are not orc eyes. They have a brilliance that makes me think of shifters. But his broad face is brutish and is very much orc. His hair is midnight black and sticks out from his head in a shaggy pelt. His beard is short and thick, and his jaw is distended to accommodate two monstrous tusks. He is dressed in plain hide pants that cover his legs and serviceable boots in good repair. His great barrel-chested body and arms are pure white.

He grunts and gestures with his offered hand. I’m too terrified to refuse him, so I put my hand in his, confused when he draws me to my feet.

Cupping my small hand within his two larger ones, he inspects it with narrowed eyes. Goodness! He carefully strokes his thumb over the back of my hand.

I dare to glance up to find him staring at my tiny hand within his, expression utterly enrapt.

Who is this beast that Trent called Doug?

He sighs, it comes out on rumble that makes me start, then reaches into his pocket, fumbles, and draws out a crust of bread.

I swallow. Gods, he wants... he wants me to dothatto him.

I shake my head vigorously and try to step back, but he still has my hand, and I don’t go far.

He huffs a breath that manages to sound impatient, vexed maybe, and he shakes his head.

Turning my palm over, he presses the crust into it and curls my fingers around it. He holds it toward my lips and motions for me to eat it. Releasing my hand, he repeats the eating gesture.

I could run. He could catch me. Hewouldcatch me. So I do as he asks, break off a small chunk of bread, and put it in my mouth.
