Page 4 of Gentling the Beast

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We rise early and pack up the camp. The day is spent walking. A procession that trundles through the trees of the great forest, taking us toward Krug. It is the height of summer and warm. The forest is dense and humid. By the time evening falls, I’m exhausted, but I assist in preparing food for distribution.

I follow the instructions given to me without question, although I don’t know the ways of food preparation save for memories of when I was younger. I’m a quick study and make myself useful. And so it is that I fall into a mindset that it’s not so terrible here, that I do not yet need to worry nor apply myself with urgency toward finding myself a mate.

After the duties are done, I’m more than ready for sleep. Grateful that our wagon is close to the edge of the camp, I move away to do my business in private, keeping my head down as I go. As I round the wagon, movement not far away draws my attention. When I flick my eyes to the side, I gasp and come to an abrupt stop. A short distance away, Penny is on her knees. A human soldier has his pants down so that they hang around his knees. One hand fists Penny’s hair, and the other directs his cock toward her mouth. She parts her lips and dutifully sucks on him.

Shocked into silence and docility, I remain frozen. I should turn away, go and do my business via some other route, return to the camp—anything else—yet I do none of those things.

The human guard grunts as he thrusts his cock deep into her throat. She moans and gags. My eyes widen as I wonder if she is in pain, if he forces her to do this, but I cannot rightly tell. Her faint moaning noises set up a prickling under my skin, and a wave of heat washes over me. The guard grunts and stills. Tension invades his body and then leaves it just as swiftly.

Penny’s throat works.

I realize that he has just come in her mouth.

I’m still struck, immobilized, when he pulls his cock from between her lips. He pats her cheek affectionately and tucks himself away. As he does so, she rises and quietly wipes off her mouth before holding out her hand.

“Thank you, lass,” he says. Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out a crust of bread and hands it to her.

She takes it with a nod.

Breaking out of my reverie, I go to step backward, but I’m clumsy about it and stumble.

Both heads turn my way.

“Who is your friend?” the guard says, leering at me.

“She’s nobody,” Penny says, hastening over to me and drawing me away. “Go on, lass. Go about your business.”

I go, dashing for the trees, heart hammering in my chest.

Understanding looms. I feel both older and not old enough. What I don’t understand, though, is why I’m shocked. I’m not so ignorant of the world, not after living for these past years among the Blighten.

I linger longer than I perhaps should. Finally, I make my way back to find Penny waiting for me, her sensitive eyes searching mine.

“I have shocked you,” she says.

Denial is on my lips, but I nod my head.

“Trent is not so bad.” She shrugs. “Some are rougher than others. Some are kind and gift you well. Some even take the time to return the favor, although they are few and far between. I had hoped you would not draw attention. But it is done now, and there’s naught we can do about it. You are innocent. It is written upon your face. But that time is over now, too. Do not let them persuade you to take your pussy. That is kept for a mate. Do not let them get away without paying you. Food is expected and accepted. And don’t let them negotiate for nonsense like they might look out for you—they won’t. Or convince you that they’re doing you a favor—they aren’t.”

I swallow, taking in all she explains. This is going to happen. I can see pleasing the human soldiers would have benefits beyond the food that they offer, although her plain talking leaves no doubt that such benefit is minimal. This is a transaction, nothing more. My body is no longer mine. It is a tool I might implement and use. There is no brave prince coming to save me. I must, as my mother suggested, survive.

I sleep fitfully. We rise and have a cold breakfast. As we eat, I hear the faint moans from the other side of the wagon. Only it’s not Penny this time, but one of the other women. She comes back holding a strip of jerky, and tucks into it with relish. I envy her the strip of jerky. What passed before, however, I do not.

The whole camp seems sullied. A veil has been lifted, and I cannot hide from these adult things.

I told Tulwin I was not yet of age, but the truth is I do not know exactly how old I am anymore. My moon blood started soon after I was taken. Hips and breasts developed, and my body underwent changes in the way that marks a lass as mature.

The seasons were strange in the outpost. There was no thaw of spring and heat of summer, only thick snow and light snow, and not a lot of change between. I had a notion of seasons passing, yet I cannot rightly say how many nor exactly how many years. I know only that, in all the ways that matter, I am a woman, and I have been for a while. Had I lived in my village still, I might have had a babe or two by now, which brings a deep, sorrowful longing to the fore. My reply to Tulwin on the suggestion of a mate was offered without due thought beyond avoidance. I have clung to innocence, but that has now been ripped from me.

A shudder ripples through me as I recall the leering soldier, Trent, who spotted me watching him with Penny. His interest was apparent. As Penny said, I have been noticed now.

Threats and dangers linger everywhere as we gather ourselves to walk. I find myself dreading the passage of time, for, as evening falls, we will prepare the camp again, and the human soldiers will come around.

I can barely get my food down as we gather around the fire. It tastes like sawdust in my throat. I need togo. I hate to leave the false safety of others, even for a second, but it reaches that point where I must.
