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“Are you sure that we won’t need them?” Brody asked. “What if he attacks?”

I snorted and shook my head.

“He won’t get a chance to attack, Brody,” I said. “I will have what he treasures most. I will blackmail him and he will give me his throne in a blink of an eye.”

“And then?” Brody asked.

“And then I will kill him,” I said, smirking. “I will make him watch as I fuck his mate and then I will end his life. I will make him think that he will get her back, but that will never happen.”

I could already imagine it happening and I got hard instantly. I couldn’t fucking wait until I was buried deep inside her.

“I am excited for you, Alpha,” Brody said, giving me a small smile. “You deserve this.”

I smiled back at him.

“I deserve her,” I said. “She was always supposed to be mine. The Goddess made a mistake by giving her to him. She was meant to be mine and she would be mine.”

I looked through the window and took a deep breath.

Only a few more hours. Only a few more hours and she would finally be here. Only a few more hours and I would finally see her again. Only a few more hours and I would finally taste her lips.

I closed my eyes and tightened my jaw. Those few hours would be the longest and the slowest hours of my life.


Madeline’s POV

“Oh, I am so excited about tonight!” Luna Alice exclaimed. “Do you know who is working with whom?”

I smiled and shook my head.

“I believe they will decide that once the challenge starts,” I said. “That’s a part of it actually. They need to figure out how to work together to find the object hidden in the forest.”

Luna Alice nodded. “Oh, so exciting. I can’t wait to see who will win.”

“I am sure that everyone will want Alpha Theodore’s warrior on their team,” Luna Maria chuckled as she took another sip of her drink.”

Luna Alice nodded. “oh, definitely. “It will be so interesting to see how they will decide.”

I smiled at them and glanced at Dimitri. He was only a few steps away from me. He was talking to Alphas Theodore and Lincoln. I couldn’t hear what they were talking about, but Dimitri was smiling and I relaxed a little. He was too tense ever since we came to the throne room. He refused to let go of me for the first half an hour. I barely managed to convince him to let me step away so I could talk to the Lunas.

“I am so happy for you, honey,” Luna Maria said as she wrapped an arm around Ali’s shoulders. “Beta Will seems like an amazing man.”

Ali blushed a little and nodded. “He is. I am so incredibly happy I get to call him my mate.”

Will marked Ali last night and I was over the moon happy for both of them. Will was an incredible man and he deserved the best mate and Ali was surely the best. I was convinced that Ali was perfect for him. I was convinced that Will was perfect for Ali. The Goddess really made a perfect match by bonding them together.

“And he is happy he gets to call you his mate,” I said, making Ali look at me. “You are his perfect match. He is incredibly lucky he has you in his life.”

Ali smiled and shook her head.

“How do you know all that?” she asked.

“We talk,” I said, smiling brightly. “The administrative stuff sometimes gets boring and Will loves to share.”

Ali and the Lunas laughed.

“Oh, the only part of being a Luna I hate is the administration,” Luna Laura said, shaking her head. “If I could just pass that along to someone else, I would be so happy.”
