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“Son of a reindeer,” Jack snarls, pounding the island. “I can’t believe I lost.”

“Again,” I point out, grinning at him. “Rock for the win!”

“All I want is a cheese pizza,” he grumbles, scraping a hand roughly over his chin.

“Hey, I’ll share it with you.” My hand darts out and touches his arm —rock-solid, just as I suspected— and his eyes flicker to my fingers, but he doesn’t pull away. I linger on his muscle for a beat, then pull back into my own space. “You know, if I ever get back into the house.”

“You will. In the meantime, I can make us each a grilled cheese?” He raises a dark brow and I nod.

“You have a thing for cheese, huh?” I ask, settling back on the stool.

“Cheese is a basic food group. One of my favorite things. Normally, I’d have more options for you—” He bends into the fridge, pulling out a package of cheese and a loaf of bread. “But you saw what we were working with down there. You’ll have to settle for cheddar tonight, I’m afraid.”

“Cheddar’s solid, it works.”

“Do you want something to drink? I have wine, beer, whiskey…” Jack lists off my options and I go with wine.

Three minutes later, I have a chilled glass of much-better chardonnay and Alexa’s streaming soft jazz in the background. The fire’s heating the room to the perfect temperature and Jack’s grilling us sandwiches.

The whole scene would be kind of romantic if we were a couple.

I shake my head, ridding myself of the ludicrous thought.

He’s a total stranger, Ashton. What the fuck?

“So, Jack. What do you do?”Oh, cringe.That’s what I start with? Might as well ask him to list his height and weight too, while I’m at it.

“I’m in business. M and A.” He keeps his back to me, not turning away from the stove.

“M and A?”

“Mergers and acquisitions. I help companies buy other companies.”

“That’s interesting.”

He glances over his shoulder at me, stone-faced. “It’s not. What about you?”

“I work at my kids’ school, in the front office. Answering phones and stuff.”

“Probably more interesting than my job, honestly.”

I shrug. “It’s not all that exciting, but I’m on the same schedule as the kids, so that helps. Because Gabriel —my ex— isn’t very helpful. At all.”

I clap my hand over my mouth, wishing I hadn’t said that. Too much wine, not enough food. I’m sure Jack doesn’t want to hear about all our dirty laundry.

“Sounds like he’s missing out then.” Jack locks his eyes on mine and I lick my lips, my throat suddenly drier than toast. All I can manage is a quick nod.

“Here you go. Not exactly gourmet, but it’s edible.” He slides the golden sandwich toward me and my stomach growls. It’s been hours since I’ve eaten and I’m starving.

“Thank you.” I accept the plate from him, shifting in my seat. I’m a strange mix of nervous and comfortable all at once, and it’s a little disconcerting.

A loud wind howls, whipping through the eaves, and the lights above the island flicker on and off.

“Oh no—” I groan, staring out the window as the snow falls faster and harder than before.

“Looks like the weather people may have gotten it right this time.” Jack’s brows pull together.

And then everything goes dark.
