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Not the time, bud.

“Yes and no. I need to make a work call. Office emergency.”

“On your vacation?” One of her brows arches high, skeptical.

“Unfortunately. I’ll be back in a few.”

Striding away from her questions, I shutter myself in the office. The air temperature in here’s at least ten degrees colder. Brock better make this conversation fast or I may freeze to death.

I dial his number, hitting speaker phone, and he picks up on the first ring. “Brock, talk to me.”

“We’re fucked, Jack. The deal’s going to fall through.” His panicked voice fills the room, and I let out a low, angry hiss. The sound echoes, bouncing off the mahogany desk.

“Shit. How? What happened?” I flex my fingers, my brain already running through the possibilities.

“Their damn legal team redlined a few things on the last page of the agreement and the bank’s balking. We need you back here immediately. Looks like it could be an all-nighter. I already called our legal team in, plus the company’s finance people, the CEO, and the CFO.”

I suck my teeth, peering out at the winter wonderland. “I’m snowed in. A blizzard rolled through Spruce Ridge last night. I don’t think I can get out today. Best case, first thing tomorrow.”

“Dammit. We need you!” Brock’s voice tips up, and I can visualize him pacing at the office, downtown Denver sprawling before him. “Can you at least Zoom in?”

“Maybe for thirty minutes or so. But I need to conserve my cell battery.”

“Shit, Jack. You don’t have a damn generator up there? What are you, fucking camping?”

“Right now it feels like it. Plus, I have company.”

“Company, huh? You never told me you were dating someone.”

“I’m not. She’s the next-door neighbor and she locked herself out of her cabin. I’m just doing her a favor— I couldn’t let her freeze to death.” My stomach churns as I overexplain myself to my partner. As if it’s any of his damn business.

“Well, aren’t you a good fucking Samaritan these days? Emphasis onfucking, I’m guessing. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were losing your edge.”

“It’s no big deal, Brock,” I growl, not liking his implication. Any weakness —perceived or otherwise— could start a downward spiral and I’m definitely not ready to be replaced as king of the mountain.

“Prove it, then. Jump off the neighbor and onto the Zoom call.” His tone’s snarky, testing my commitment to the firm and my position, and I don’t fucking appreciate it.

“Fuck off, Brock. Send me the Zoom link.” I disconnect, slamming my cell onto the desk.

“Really, Jack?” Ashton’s voice startles me and I spin around so fast I create a damn breeze. She’s standing in the doorway, arms crossed over her chest, and even from this distance I see the tears swimming in her eyes.

“Ashton…” My gut twists and tangles, acid rising up my throat.

“You told your business associate about this?” She waves her hand through the air between us and I wish I could have a re-do of the last few minutes, suck my words back like a damn Hoover vac.

“No. I mean, not really.” The explanation’s weak and I know it. “And why are you eavesdropping?”

Turn the conversation around, get out of the tight space you created.The strategy’s a solid one, and it rarely lets me down.

Ashton’s fists ball at her sides, her lip quivering even as she thrusts out her chest and stands tall. “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop. I came to tell you an electric company truck pulled up outside and they’re working on the lines. So don’t worry— you can be rid of me as soon as I get in touch with the rental people.”

“Oh.” I scrub a hand over the back of my neck, a mix of emotions rolling through me. Surprisingly, disappointment floats up to the top.

“If I could trouble you for your cell one more time, I’ll call the rental company again. Then you can jump on your Zoom call.” Her voice drips with sarcasm at the wordjumpand guilt grips my chest, squeezing hard.

“Sure.” I cross the room, pulling up the number for Ridge Rentals, then hand the phone to her. She jerks it away, turning her back on me as she murmurs into the mouthpiece, so quietly I can barely hear her.

After a few seconds, she tosses the phone back to me and hurries out of the room. I swear her shoulders are shaking —she’s probably crying— and I hate that I hurt her.
