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“More than fine, I’d say,” Ranger Two smirks, his lips twitching as he gauges the situation.

Ashton’s cheeks flame red as both rangers nod at us and wave good-bye, returning to the truck. A minute later, they’re gone and Ashton and I stand alone on the porch, an icy wind swirling around us. Snow flurries begin to fall and she shivers.

“Why don’t you grab your cell and come back to my cabin? It’s much warmer— and we can finally get around to that poker game.” I wink at her and a huge smile stretches across her face.

“I’ll bring the pizza, too. We can split it— consider it an early Christmas gift.”



Three weeks later…

“You sure you’reready to introduce me to the kids? If not, we can wait.” Jack gazes down at me, squeezing my hand.

“I’m ready if you are.”

“Absolutely.” He drops his lips on mine, giving me a quick reassuring kiss. “After the grilling from your brother last weekend, hanging with Declan and Katelyn should be easy.”

I giggle. “Sorry about that. He’s protective, especially after the way things went down with Gabriel.”

“That’s a good brotherly trait. I don’t blame him one bit.” He runs his thumb over my cheek and my heart soars.

I never thought I’d feel this way again— happy, giddy, loved. Jack’s better than even my favorite book boyfriends and I pinch myself every single day, just to confirm this is real and not a dream.

A car door slams and my gut instantly tightens, my shoulders tensing.

“You okay? You can still change your mind…” Jack gives me a graceful out, but I shake my head.

“It’s going to be great, I know it. The kids will love you.”

A minute later, the front door flies open and Katelyn flings herself at my thighs, holding me tight.

“Mommy, I missed you.”

“I missed you, too, pumpkin.” I smooth my hand over her hair. “Hey, Dec. Give me a squeeze, even though I know you think you’re too cool to hug your mom.”

Declan loops his arms around my waist, giving me a small hug. Then Gabriel darkens the doorstep, dropping the kids’ backpacks on the floor and thrusting the elf at me.

“Here’s Snowdrop. Take him before I forget.”

“Daddy, it’s Snowball!”

Gabriel shrugs. “Whatever. Have him— I’m off-duty.” He shoves the elf at me, then catches sight of Jack.

“Who are you? A repairman or something? Is the heat not working? I thought you got that fixed.” He narrows his eyes at Jack, a deep furrow creasing his brow.

As if the thought of me dating someone other than him is so absurd it doesn’t even cross his mind.

I take hold of Gabriel’s elbow, steering him quickly out of the house, while shouting over my shoulder. “Kids, go grab a snack while I say bye to your dad!”

Jack takes the hint, following closely behind me, and we convene awkwardly on the front porch. Gabriel shoots daggers first at me, then at Jack. Jack ignores the dirty look, instead stepping forward and extending his hand.

“Jack Pearson. Nice to meet you.”

Gabriel declines, instead shoving both of his hands deep into the pockets of his jeans.

Typical Gabriel behavior. Such an immature asshole.

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