Page 14 of Forever

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"Here's a better picture of Felix from our records," Annie said softly, avoiding eye contact.

Morgan gazed at the photograph, feeling her stomach tighten as her suspicions seemed to confirm themselves. The man in the image was in his forties, with short, dark hair that matched Belinda's description of the mysterious stranger from the AA meeting. Could they possibly be the same person?

"Annie, have you seen this woman arguing with Felix?" Derik asked, holding up the grainy still from the security footage.

Annie squinted at the image, her brow furrowing with uncertainty. "I think that's Heather Marshall," she finally admitted. "She's the daughter of another client here at the marina."

Morgan's mind raced, trying to piece together the connections between Felix, Stacy, and now Heather. What could tie these seemingly unrelated individuals together? She needed more information, but first, she wanted to make sure Heather was safe.

"Annie, do you happen to know if Felix has been around today?" Morgan asked, her eyes scanning the marina through the office window.

"Actually," Annie hesitated, glancing at a clipboard on her desk. "His speedboat is still missing from its usual spot."

"Missing?" Derik interjected, his brow furrowing with concern.

"Since yesterday evening," Annie confirmed. "It's not like him to be gone this long without telling us."

Morgan's heart rate quickened as the pieces fell into place in her mind. She tried to temper her rising anxiety, knowing that every second counted. "Annie, please give us Heather's contact information. We need to get in touch with her immediately."

"Of course." Annie quickly scribbled down the information and handed it to Morgan.

"Thanks for your help, Annie," Morgan said, her voice tense. "Stay safe, and let us know if you see or hear anything suspicious."

"Will do, Agent Cross," Annie replied, nodding gravely.

Morgan and Derik hurried out of the marina office, their footfalls echoing on the wooden planks of the dock. The sun cast long shadows across the water, painting the scene in an eerie light that only heightened Morgan's sense of urgency.

"Call Heather," Derik instructed as they climbed into their car. He gripped the steering wheel tightly, ready to race off as soon as they had a lead.

Morgan dialed the number, her fingers trembling slightly. She pressed the phone to her ear, listening to the hollow ringing on the other end. Come on, pick up, she thought, her chest tightening with each unanswered ring.

"Derik, we have to find Felix," Morgan muttered under her breath, her eyes fixed on the empty spot where his speedboat should have been. "Something tells me Heather's life might be in danger."

"Let's go," Derik said curtly, slamming the car into gear and peeling out of the marina parking lot.

As they sped away, Morgan couldn't shake the image of Felix's empty boat slip. Whatever was going on, she knew deep down that time was running out to save Heather – and potentially any other victims tangled in this deadly web.


Morgan stood on the dock outside, the wind tugging at her hair and casting ripples across the water's surface. The scent of salt and gasoline filled her nostrils as she dialed Heather's number, her fingers slick with sweat. She glanced over at Derik, who paced nervously by her side.

"Come on," she whispered to herself, willing someone to pick up on the other end of the line. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, a man answered.

"Hello?" his voice was tense and strained.

"Hi, I'm looking for Heather Marshall. This is Special Agent Morgan Cross with the FBI," Morgan said, trying to keep her voice steady.

"Uh, this is her father, Richard. Heather isn't here right now," he replied, sounding uneasy.

"Mr. Marshall, has something happened? Is Heather alright?" Morgan pressed, feeling a chill creep down her spine.

"Actually, she never came home last night. It's not like her to just disappear without a word. She left her phone behind too," Richard's voice trembled with worry. "I was about to call the police."

Morgan's heart sank as she exchanged a concerned glance with Derik. "Thank you for letting me know, Mr. Marshall. We're actually working on a case that might be connected to Heather's disappearance. Stay by your phone in case we need to reach you again. And please, do call the police to report her missing."

"Alright, Agent Cross. I'll do that," he said, his voice cracking. "Please... find my daughter. Bring her home safe."

"Will do, sir," Morgan replied and ended the call.
