Page 28 of Forever

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"Sorry, Morgan," he whispered, his voice devoid of emotion. "But it has to be this way."

Morgan's brain screamed at her to move, to fight, but she was paralyzed by fear. With a swift motion, Derik raised the knife above his head, its cruel edge pointing straight at her heart. She opened her mouth to scream, but no sound emerged. The knife descended toward her in a blur, and—

Morgan jolted upright in bed, her breath coming in ragged gasps. Sweat beaded on her forehead, and her heart hammered against her ribcage like a caged animal. It took her several moments to process that she was awake, and that the terrifying encounter with Derik had only been a dream.

Her eyes darted around the room, taking in the familiar surroundings of her bedroom. The morning light cast long shadows across the floor, and the comforting scent of coffee wafted up from the kitchen below. Most importantly, she was alone—there was no sign of Derik, naked or otherwise.

"Jesus," she muttered, running a hand through her damp hair. "Get a grip, Morgan."

As she tried to steady her breathing, Morgan couldn't shake the lingering unease that clung to her like a cold sweat. She knew that dreams were often just manifestations of subconscious fears, but something about this one felt different. More real. And given her complicated relationship with Derik, it left her feeling more vulnerable than ever.

Morgan shook her head, trying to dispel the last remnants of the nightmare. She couldn't afford to let it rattle her—not with a killer still on the loose and the memory of her past haunting her every step.

The shrill sound of her phone ringing on the nightstand tore Morgan from her thoughts, making her wince. She snatched it up, ready to silence the unwelcome interruption, but paused when she saw Mueller's name flashing on the screen. She promptly answered.

"Cross," Mueller's gruff voice greeted her. "Apologies for the early hour, but we've got another one. A body has been found."

"Jesus," Morgan whispered, her blood running cold. The nightmare was suddenly forgotten, replaced by a sickening sense of dread that weighed heavy in her gut. Guilt overtook her; she’d fallen asleep, and now the murderer had struck again. "Where?" she asked, holding her breath.

"Out by a lake, near the cottage area," he replied, his voice tense and urgent. "I need you there ASAP."

"Understood," she said curtly, already throwing off her covers and reaching for her clothes. Her mind raced as she tried to make sense of this latest development. Another victim? So soon after the last one?

"Be careful, Cross," Mueller added, a note of concern creeping into his otherwise stoic tone. "We don't know what we're dealing with here."

Morgan clenched her jaw, resolved to face whatever lay ahead. "I will be," she promised, and ended the call.

As she dressed hastily, her fingers fumbling with buttons and zippers, Morgan couldn't help but feel a gnawing unease growing within her. The dream was still fresh in her mind, and the chilling thought that it might somehow be connected to this new crime scene sent shivers down her spine.

But as she stepped out into the pale morning light, the image of Derik's haunting smile lingered in her thoughts, an unwelcome specter that refused to be banished. And for the first time since she'd been released from prison, Morgan couldn't help but wonder if she was truly prepared for the darkness that awaited her.


The morning sun glinted off the surface of the lake, casting a serene, picturesque scene that belied the horror lurking beneath its placid waters. Morgan stepped out of her car, the gravel crunching under her shoes as she made her way to the small gathering of police officers by the water's edge. The cottage area outside of town was usually a haven for vacationers and families seeking respite from the daily grind – but today, it had become the stage for yet another gruesome discovery.

"Agent Cross," greeted Officer Daniels, a young man with a solemn expression who seemed to have aged years since their last encounter. "We've got another one."

Morgan nodded curtly, steeling herself for what lay ahead. "Show me."

They led her down a narrow path that wound through the trees, their shadows dappling the ground like dark, silent witnesses to the atrocity that had taken place. As they rounded a bend, Morgan caught sight of the victim – a young woman, her lifeless body lying on the shore of the lake, her pale face turned towards the sky as though pleading for mercy that would never come. Her hands were bound behind her back, like the others, and there was a rope hooked to her ankles.

Officer Daniel's expression was solemn. "A local fisherman found her. His line got stuck on her dress. We've ID'd her as Megan Hart, twenty-three."

Morgan swallowed hard, her throat tight with anger and frustration. This killer was growing bolder, more deranged with each passing day – and despite all her efforts, she still had no idea who he was or how to stop him.

She crouched down beside the victim, taking in every detail with a forensic eye. There were no obvious signs of trauma, no visible wounds or marks on the young woman's body. But Morgan knew from experience that there was much more to this crime scene than met the eye. Every fiber of her being screamed that there was something here she was missing, some clue that could lead her to the killer.

She stood upright, locking eyes with Daniels. ."Get the forensic team here ASAP. I want a full report on my desk as soon as humanly possible."

"Understood, Special Agent Cross," Daniels replied, then jogged over to the team standing by.

Morgan turned away from the scene, her mind racing as she tried to piece together the fragments of this horrifying puzzle. There had to be some connection, some clue that would lead her to the monster responsible for these heinous acts – and she was determined to find it, no matter what it took. And first thing was first--she had to talk to the witness.


Morgan paced away from the lake, her sights set on talking to the witness, when Derik arrived on the scene. Morgan's heart raced as she saw Derik approach, his tall frame cutting a striking figure against the backdrop of the lake. The memory of her dream surfaced in her mind, making her insides churn with a mixture of anger and longing. She couldn't help but be drawn to him, even knowing that trusting him could be dangerous.

"Hey, Morgan," Derik said, his voice warm and inviting. "Thought you might need some backup."
