Page 47 of Forever

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"Alright," he said slowly, his voice trembling. "I'll let her go, but only if you promise me one thing."

"Name it," Morgan replied, trying to keep her tone neutral.

"Promise me you won't try anything," Greg demanded, his grip on Sarah tightening. "If I see you move, I'll drop her right now."

"Okay, okay," Morgan agreed, her mind racing with the implications of her promise. She knew she couldn't let Greg walk away from this, but she had to save Sarah first. "I promise not to make any moves. Just let her go."

"Swear it," Greg hissed, his eyes narrowing suspiciously.

"I swear," Morgan responded, forcing herself to lock eyes with him, even as she mentally prepared herself for the necessary deception.

"Alright," Greg said, his voice barely audible over the roar of the helicopter blades above them. He pulled Sarah back from the edge, just slightly, enough that her screams turned into gasps for air. "Now, stay where you are. Don't come any closer."

Morgan froze, her muscles tensing at the sudden command. Her instincts screamed for her to act, to rush in and save Sarah before it was too late. But she knew she couldn't risk it, not yet. She needed to wait for the perfect moment, one where she could save Sarah without endangering her further.

As she stood there, her entire being focused on the scene before her, Morgan couldn't help but think of all that had led her here. The pain, the loss, the betrayal – it all culminated in this one moment. And she knew, with absolute certainty, that she would do whatever it took to save Sarah and put an end to Greg's reign of terror.

"Greg," Morgan called out, striving to keep her voice steady despite the pounding of her heart. "I know what your mother did to you."

"Then you know nothing," he spat, gripping Sarah more tightly. Her choked sobs punctuated the tense silence between them.

Clutching at straws to stall for time, Morgan thought desperately about ways to keep him talking. "Your past... all those women who left you, didn't they?" she ventured, watching his jaw clench and unclench.

"Shut up," he snarled, but she could see a flicker in his eyes that told her she was getting to him. She needed to push further, to unravel him enough so that she could seize the opportunity to act.

"Couldn't bring yourself to do it, could you? To end your own life?" she asked softly, her eyes never leaving his face. "You were afraid to die alone, Greg."

He barked a laugh, the sound harsh and bitter on his lips. "You think I'm afraid of dying? Hell, I've been terrified of the water my whole life. And yet here I am, standing on the edge of this godforsaken cliff." His gaze shifted briefly to the churning waters below.

"Is that why you drown them?" Morgan asked, her mind racing as she tried to piece together the puzzle of his twisted psyche. "To feel what it's like, without actually facing your fear?"

"Something like that," he admitted with a twisted smile, the glint in his eyes speaking of a deep-rooted madness. "Each time I watch them struggle, gasp for air... It's like I'm experiencing it through them."

Morgan felt a chill run down her spine as she absorbed his words, the cold calculation behind them. This man was beyond redemption, she realized, and she had to find a way to stop him before more innocent lives were lost.

"Is this the last time, Greg?" she asked, her voice barely audible over the roar of the helicopter blades above them. "Will Sarah be your final victim?"

"Maybe," he mused, his eyes flickering between her and Sarah. "Or maybe she's just the beginning."

Morgan gritted her teeth, her hands balling into fists at her sides as she fought to maintain control. She had to act soon before it was too late - but how? What could she do that wouldn't put Sarah in even greater danger?

"Enough talk," Greg snarled suddenly, his patience clearly wearing thin. "This ends now."

As Morgan watched helplessly, her mind racing for a solution, she knew the time for action was upon her. One way or another, this nightmare had to end - tonight.

"Greg, please," Morgan pleaded, her voice barely a whisper as she took a slow, calculated step forward. "You don't have to do this."

"Stay back!" he warned, his grip on Sarah tightening as the terrified girl sobbed uncontrollably. The wind whipped around them, drowning out the sound of the approaching chopper that was just close enough to make out its searchlight, casting eerie shadows across the rocky landscape.

Morgan's heart raced as she racked her brain for something - anything - that could save Sarah. She knew time was running out as Greg's eyes darted wildly between her and the edge of the cliff. This was it - her last chance to make a difference.

"Think about what you're doing, Greg," she said, trying to keep her voice steady despite the fear clawing at her insides. "Is this really how you want your story to end?"

"Enough!" he screamed, the madness in his eyes flaring dangerously. "I won't listen to your lies anymore!"

And with a guttural snarl, Greg pushed Sarah off the cliff.

"NO!" Morgan cried out, lunging forward in a desperate attempt to reach for the falling girl. But it was too late - Sarah was already plummeting towards the dark, unforgiving waters below.
