Page 29 of So Forgotten

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“We still think he’s the guy?”

"Honestly? I don't know what to think. The evidence has led us to him, and while there is, as you said, not enough to convince me, I think he's still worth talking to. Either he'll be able to clear himself, or he'll lead us to proof of his guilt."

They headed to the front office to talk to the booking officer and get Ulysses into another interrogation room. When they reached it, they saw a clean-cut man in his late thirties talking to the officer. When he noticed the agents, he waved and called to them.

Faith and Michael exchanged a look as they approached. The man stuck out his hand and said, “Hey. Sorry to keep you all waiting. I’m Garret Hagerty.”

Faith took the outstretched hand. “Pleased to meet you, Mr. Hagerty. May I ask what you’re doing here and why you wanted to talk to us?”

“Well,” he said, “I’m here for Ulysses.”


The two agents shared another glance. “Do you know why he’s here?” Michael asked.

“Yeah, he called me last night.”

They looked at the booking officer, who shrugged. “He wanted his one phone call.”

Faith returned her gaze to Garret. “So he called you and you waited until the morning to come?”

“Well, I thought he was joking at first. He does that sometimes when he gets drunk. He’ll pretend he’s in danger or something and then call for someone to help him. He thinks it’s funny when he drinks.”

“Let’s skip to the end,” Michael replied. “Why are you here?”

“To confirm his alibi,” Garret replied. “Ulysses mentioned you suspect him of the two recent murders in the area. I can confirm that he was with me both nights.”

“And yet he didn’t mention you,” Faith replied.

“Ulysses…” Garret seemed to weigh how to put it and finally said, “Is not always aware. He drinks very heavily, and sometimes he just lives in that fog for a while.”

“Can you prove he was with you?” Michael asked.

The question seemed to throw Garret off. “What?”

“Can you prove he was with you? Do you have any pictures or videos or recordings of any kind that can prove that he was with you on both nights in question?”

“Well… no. I guess not.” He scratched his head sheepishly. “I guess I should have thought of that. I just thought I would tell you guys he was with me and…” He lifted his hands and let them drop. “No, I didn’t bring any kind of proof.”

Faith sighed. “Well, that puts us in a rather difficult position. The crimes he’s accused of are very serious. I can’t just allow him to leave based on your word. Do you understand?”

Garret nodded slowly, clearly unhappy. “Okay. Yeah, I understand. I just… he’s had a really tough life since his wife died. You guys don’t remember him like I do. I remember him before the drinking, when he was the sweetest guy you can possibly imagine.”

“This isn’t personal, Mr. Hagerty,” Faith assured him, “but we need to keep him in custody for a while longer, at least until we have a confirmation of his alibi or some other proof that he didn’t do it.”

“I thought you were supposed to prove hediddo it,” Garret challenged.

Faith shook her head. “That’s the prosecution’s job. My job is to find the person who did it. At the moment, Mr. Pratt looks most likely. I’m not convinced yet, but I’m not comfortable enough to let him go, either.”

He nodded, lips pursed. “Can I go see him?”

“That’ll be up to the duty sergeant,” Faith replied.

“Why, may I ask, are you doing this for him?” Michael asked.

"Like I said," Garret replied. "I knew him before his wife died, before he started drinking. He was a good man, and the man he was then deserves a chance to come back. I haven't given up on him yet." He turned to the booking officer. "Is the duty sergeant available?"

“She’s leading the bullpen now,” the officer replied. “You can wait here for her.”
