Page 61 of So Forgotten

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He grimaced. “Yeah, that’s worse.”

Dr. Heath laughed at his discomfort then turned to Faith. “So is there a Mr. Bold waiting back in Philadelphia. Or a Mrs. Bold, maybe?”

Faith blinked. “Oh. Um… Well, I uh…”

Michael grinned at her and said, “She’s dating someone, but it’s not serious.”

Dr. Heath arched an eyebrow. “That so?”

“No, it’s not so,” Faith said, glaring at Michael. “We’re not married, but it is serious. I’m flattered, though. Thank you.”

Dr. Heath took the disappointment well, nodding and reaching into her pocket for a business card. She flashed Faith a brilliant smile and handed her the card. “In case it ever becomes less serious,” she said.

Faith’s cheeks burned. She managed an awkward thank you and an even more awkward goodbye hug, then stepped into the airport shuttle. The driver kept his eyes stoically on the road ahead, having no interest in involving himself in the personal lives of his passengers.

Michael had no such compunction. He climbed into the seat next to Faith and grinned. “Look at you, pulling down the boys and the babes at the same time. Must be nice.”

Faith rolled her eyes. “Whatever. I thought she was into you.”

"I thought so too," Michael said, "Guess I was wrong. Good thing. I don't have to explain to Ellie why I'm getting late-night texts from some woman in Iowa."

“Good for you,” she said.

They rode in silence for the rest of the drive. When they arrived and the shuttle had left, Faith said, “Michael, can I ask you something?”

Michael thought a moment before reluctantly saying, “Sure. What is it?”

"Earlier, when we were fighting at the precinct, you told me that we weren't friends anymore. Did you mean that?"

He didn’t answer for a while. Faith’s heart sank further with each passing second. Turk looked between the two humans and realized there was nothing he could do to cheer them up right now, so he trotted off and left them their space.

Finally, Michael said, “Faith, you never left that barn. I saved you from Trammell, but I didn’t save all of you.”

She felt tears well in her eyes and looked away. She didn’t respond. Any denial she gave would be a lie.

“I carried a lot of guilt over that for a long time,” he said. “I suppose a part of me always will. But… I’m not just me anymore. I have a fiancée to think about. You scared that fiancée, Faith. You threatened her. You’ve slowly slipped further and further into paranoia, and I am no longer in a position to accept that or endure it.

“I don’t blame you, Faith. I really don’t. You’re not a bad person. You were just hurt really badly, and the scars lingered. The wounds proved too much for you. I think that when Franklin West is finally brought to justice, you’ll have a chance to heal. In time, you might come all the way back to us, but right now…”

He paused, and Faith took a shuddering breath and nodded. "I understand. I get it. I messed up with Ellie, and not just one time. You have to think about her, and that means you have to step away from me.” She met his eyes and added, “Just know that I am so, so sorry for all of the pain I’ve put you through. You are my best friend, even if I’m not yours anymore. I hate knowing that I’ve hurt you as badly as I have, and I hate knowing that I’ve hurt Ellie. Neither of you deserve it. I wish both of you a long, happy, safe life, and I hope that one day, I’ll be allowed to be part of it again. Until that time, I only ask that you not give up hope on me. I’m still here. I have some things to work through, and I know it will take a while, but I didn’t die in that chair. I am hurt, but I will heal. I’ll come back, and I’ll be the woman you knew again. I’m not asking you to wait for me. Just… answer the phone when I call.”

Michael didn’t say anything for a long moment. When he did speak, he only said, “Come on. Our flight’s arriving any moment now.”

Faith’s heart twisted, then deflated. She stared ahead while Michael grabbed their luggage and headed into the airport. After a moment, Turk nudged her. She looked down at him and managed a half-smile she didn’t feel before following him inside.


“Can I say the United States?”

Dr. West sighed in exasperation. “The very country you live in is your top travel destination?”

“Of course it is,” she said. “I live here, but I haven’t been everywhere. I’ve never been to Yosemite. I’ve never been to Niagara Falls.”

“You’re not missing much,” he replied. “It’s just falling water. It’s loud, too. It keeps you up when you’re trying to sleep and forget about calm reflection. If you want to live in nature, avoid waterfalls.”

“So you lived there?”

“I had a vacation home just outside,” he said. “I bought some land and built a little log cabin.”
