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Miles didn't think she’d gotten better this quick. Storm looked horrible yesterday and he knew with her working and probably not taking care of herself, she wasn't going to be better today. If anything, she was probably feeling worse.

You don't have her address, right? - Miles

No. We always end up going to my house or somewhere else to eat. -Hedda

You worried about her? - Hedda

Yes, he was worried about her. How could he not be? She was a Little who was obviously sick and not taking care of herself. His Daddy strings were getting tugged full force.

Yes, I am. - Miles

He didn't need to explain himself, but knew if he didn't respond she was going to message him until he did.

Miles didn't know where she was living and neither did Hedda. Should he find out where she lived or should he leave her alone?

It was a tough decision because he didn't want to break her trust by having someone find her location on her phone, but he was worried about her. He had a feeling her sickness had only gotten worse and wondered if she had any type of medicine.

This wasn't like him to go back and forth on what he should or shouldn't do. He normally didn't care if the person trusted him again after because the person was normally dead.

But this was different. She was a Little and he felt an attraction toward her.

Making up his mind, he started to text Kirk Storm’s number.

Can you track where this phone number is located? - Miles

Sure. Give me a minute. - Kirk

He loved that he could ask Kirk for anything and he wouldn't ask questions. Well, he normally didn’t ask questions. There were a couple of times he did because it was unusual, but that was normally when it was a person’s name and he asked Kirk to find all their information and give it to him.

Miles asking for a person's location through their phone wasn’t unusual and he hoped Kirk wouldn’t ask questions. He didn’t need to explain to Rogan why he was looking into Storm.

His phone rang and he quickly answered.

“I just sent you her location,” Kirk said. “Want to tell me why you’re looking into Storm Collins?”

“Shit. Don’t ask,” Miles replied.

“Should I be worried? Did she do something bad to Hedda and you’re teaching her a lesson? I didn’t think you hurt women.”

“No,” he growled out. “Don’t you dare tell this to anyone else. Promise?”


Miles let out a sigh. He should have known when Kirk called he was going to ask questions.

“If I find out you told anyone, I’ll beat you,” he threatened. “She’s Hedda’s friend who happens to be a Little and she’s sick. I’m just checking in on her.”

“Interesting,” Kirk replied. “Well, when you see her address, you better do something about it.”

Before Miles could respond, Kirk hung up the phone. What was that about? What neighborhood did she live in?

He checked his phone and cursed. The neighborhood she was in wasn’t the best, but it wasn’t the worst in New York city. Her neighborhood was getting more unsafe as the days went on and he knew it would be too dangerous soon.

Why was she living there? Didn’t she get paid enough to live in a nicer neighborhood?

Miles knew the bookstore she worked at was super nice and paid their employees way above minimum wage.

Getting up from his seat, he grabbed his wallet and keys before heading to his car. He was going to see if she was at work first before he thought about what to do next. For all he knew, she could be better and working today.
