Page 104 of Saving the Single Dad

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“You good?” I asked, trying to gauge where he was at with things. He had texted me after the wedding and it was not a thank you for being his best man.

He jumped in place and huffed. “I’m good. Clean fight.”

Right. Clean, my fucking ass. This asshole wanted to kill me.

“Fine.” I began mirroring his movements until we’d both warmed up enough. I watched as he began looking for an opening.

“We gonna talk?”

“About what?” I played it like I didn’t get his text messages, but they were seared in my brain. The morning after his wedding, he had come up to our floor and knocked on our bedroom door. Haley never woke, but I slipped out and quickly shut the door behind me.

We didn’t say a single word to one another as his gaze flicked to the door at my back. I could almost hear the wheels turning as he processed what he saw the evening prior, along with how quickly I’d shut the door. We only stared at one another for thirty seconds before Nora walked up and interrupted, calling Colson away.

Then his messages started coming in.



You better explain yourself.

Never mind, there is no explaining THIS. She’s too young, Liam. I warned you about this. I fucking warned you not to go after her. Why her?

Does this have anything to do with you leaving for 9 weeks?

Fuck, man. I’m so pissed off at you, but for now I am going to enjoy my honeymoon, but the second I’m back, we will discuss this.

That would be now.

“How was your honeymoon?” I asked as if nothing at all was amiss.

He came at me with a hook, going for my jaw, and since I didn’t even have my mouth guard in yet, it would have fucking hurt, but I blocked.

He lunged again, all anger and rage, zero patience or thought.

I went for an uppercut but realized he didn’t have his mouthpiece in either and ended up hitting his arm.

“You want to fight without properly protecting yourself? Do it somewhere else.”

I lowered my fists, and Colson chose that moment to hit me in the nose, making my head snap back.

“Fuck!” I groaned, holding my glove up to my nose.

My eyes burned as the sting spread around my face. Blood gushed from my nostrils, but I knew it hadn’t been broken.

Cole rushed forward, ripping his gloves off. “Shit. I didn’t mean to make you bleed.”

“What the fuck did you think was going to happen when you punched me in the nose?”

My gloves were off, my fingers gripping the bridge of my nose and my head tilted back.

Colson stood there, his face grim as he watched. Someone tossed us a rag from below and I held it to my face.

“She is my sister, Liam,” Colson said after blowing out a heavy sigh.

My eyes were still watering but I watched as his face took on a million different expressions. Sadness, shame, fear…all of that played out as he stood there, rubbing the back of his neck.

“I am aware.”
