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“I know, but I like cooking. It’s no problem.”

I evaded him by opening the fridge. As soon as I tugged out the jam, he pulled on the loop of my jeans until he had me against him.

“You’re being weird.”

His voice came out like a harsh whisper against my ear. My heart thrashed like a trapped animal in my chest, my pulse jumping against my throat.

I placed my palms on his chest and pushed.

“The girls…” My voice came out in a rushed whisper.

His gray eyes searched my face, his fingers tugging on my jeans so that my waist was trapped against his.

“They’re outside right now, in the backyard.”

They were? I hadn’t even noticed they’d gone out. He stepped forward, his fingers still looped through my jeans, so I moved back until my butt hit the counter.

His forehead pressed against mine as my breathing began to come out slow and labored.

“You’re staying tonight.”

He didn’t ask it, just stated it like it was a fact.

Tipping my head back, I opened my mouth to respond but the back door opened, and Mila started yelling.

“I have to pee, but my boots have mud on them! Daddy, hurry!”

Liam grinned and ran out of the kitchen.

I could finally breathe, and even though my fingers shook, I began to set the table and prepare the food. The rolls were perfectly browned and glistened as I brushed them with melted butter. The veggies smelled incredible, and the chicken made my mouth water.

The kids had all made their way inside. I heard Liam tell them to wash their hands, and then all four of them were in the kitchen pulling out chairs and settling in.

“This smells so good,” Mila declared to the room as she stood up on her knees in her seat. Seraph nodded, grabbing a roll. I took my apron off and folded it.

“Okay, I’m going to get going, you guys enjoy dinner.”

Liam’s gaze snapped up, as did Maddy’s, almost at the same time.

“You’re not eating with us?” Mila asked, tilting her head to the side.

The chair slid out across from where Liam sat, his foot pushing it from under the table.

“Sure she is.”

All their eyes were on me, waiting.

Fuck it.

I took a seat, and Liam stole my plate and began piling chicken and veggies onto it. Maddy handed me a roll, and we all started eating. Mila launched into a story about a cartoon show, and Seraphina jumped in, adding her two cents. Maddy was quiet most of the time. Eventually she opened up about her school day and a field trip that would be coming up.

“Have you heard about the grand opening for Davis Brenton’s shop?” I asked the table, but it was obviously mostly for Liam. His jaw clenched as he chewed and then his eyes moved up, meeting mine.

“Can we go?” Mila asked excitedly.

I smiled at her and the other two. “I was going to help Nora and Rae get it ready, and I was going to see if you three would be my helpers.”

“Yes, we will!” they all said in unison.
