Page 39 of Prince of Chaos

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"Fine," she answers nonchalantly, her gaze fixed on the computer screen.

"Surprised you didn't want to sit in on the meeting," I probe, eyebrow raised. She shrugs, her curly black hair bouncing with the motion.

"Okay, what's up?" I insist, no longer able to contain my curiosity.

Lulu sighs, finally looking up at me. "I'm tired of asking. I want to be invited."

I can't help but laugh internally. Her stubbornness is just one of the many things that make her so captivating. "You're always such a princess," I tease.

Her eyes narrow slightly. "What does that mean?"

"Nothing," I reply, trying to play it off. "Just something I've noticed about you."

She rolls her eyes dramatically. "Have you had a chance to look into the college courses I want to take?" she asks, her voice revealing a hint of vulnerability.

"Not yet," I admit, feeling a twinge of guilt. Her face falls, and she leans back in her chair with an over-the-top sigh.

"Better start looking, Giovanni," she warns playfully, "or else I might just try running away again."

I chuckle, shaking my head. "That's probably not a good idea. You definitely won't get to go then."

Her gaze softens, sincerity replacing the teasing glint in her eyes. "Please don't toy with me on this. I really want to do it."

"I understand, Lulu." I let out a reassuring sigh. "Don't worry. I promise I'll look into it for you."

"Good," she says, smirking. "Now go away. I have to try and hack into your systems again."

I laugh at her audacity and walk back into my office, closing the door gently behind me. My mind should be on the business deals and negotiations that await me, but instead, it's consumed by thoughts of Lulu and her desire for higher education.

I find myself lost in research, exploring college options nearby—something she could do online without being seen. I consider getting her a fake ID, but it would only create problems for her down the line when she tries to prove her credentials. The more I think about it, the more I want to help her achieve this goal. She may test my patience, but there's no denying her spirit and intellect captivate me.

My father's disapproval echoes in my thoughts, reminding me of the pain his expectations brought into my life. I refuse to let Lulu experience that same hurt, even if she can be a thorn in my side.

The glow of my computer screen creates a soft light in the office as I scour through online college programs, completely losing track of time. My heart races with anticipation, each click fueling a fire within me to help Lulu achieve her dreams.

"Hey, boss," Primo's voice interrupts my thoughts, filling the room through the speakerphone. "Got an update on the gun trade situation."

"Go ahead," I reply, forcing myself to refocus on the present and our ongoing efforts to dismantle illegal arms dealings in our territory.

"Things are looking quiet for now," he says, a hint of surprise in his tone. "We knew it wouldn't be easy, but we're making progress. A lot of mob families are laying low, waiting to see what happens next."

"Good," I say, trying to mask the relief in my voice. "And how are things with Lulu? Any word on her father's trial?"

"Nothing much up here," Primo admits. "It hasn't affected us, so people aren't really talking about it. Seems like nobody's connected the dots yet."

"Thank the heavens for that." I run a hand through my hair, feeling the weight of the situation bearing down on me. The last thing we need is more attention from rival families or the law.

"Keep me updated on both fronts, alright?" I ask, doing my best to sound authoritative despite my gnawing concern.

"Of course." With that, Primo hangs up, leaving me alone with my thoughts once more. But before I can return to my research, a knock on the door pulls me back to reality.

"Come in," I call out, and Lulu enters, her eyes wide with curiosity.

"I heard you talking about my father," she says softly, hesitating in the doorway. "Any news?"

"Nothing right now," I admit, watching as disappointment clouds her features. "I know this is a difficult time for you, Lulu."

"Do you?" She tilts her head, a challenge in her tone. "How could you possibly understand?"
