Page 56 of Prince of Chaos

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"Teddy? Really?" I smile at the thought of the carefree, charming man being so knowledgeable about the darker side of their family. "I really like him."

"Yeah, most people do," Giovanni says with a chuckle. "Especially women. He goes through them pretty quickly."

"Sounds like him," I laugh, picturing Teddy's charming grin.

As Giovanni continues rubbing my back, I feel tension slowly leaving my body. It's comforting to be so close to him, even if our future together is uncertain. My thoughts drift, and I remember something from the other day. "What were you up to before you came to see me? You weren't in the house."

He hesitates, then admits, "I was out with Primo. We're having issues with the Irish."

"What kind of issues?" I ask, curiosity piqued.

"They're angry because we stopped selling guns. They were involved in that business, and now they want a lot of money. I'm not sure what to do yet. I want to find something on them. But I don’t know what or how, yet."

I consider this for a moment. "It sounds more like the Irish are trying to make a power grab. But it doesn't make sense since the Maldonado's are giving up power."

"Exactly," he agrees. "I need to find some leverage on them, but I'll have to work on it later at the office."

"Let me know if I can help in any way," I offer, wanting to be there for him.

"Thank you," he says softly, his eyes meeting mine with a mix of gratitude and vulnerability. In this moment, we're not just two people caught up in a dangerous game – we're simply a man and a woman trying to navigate the complexities of life together. And for now, that's enough.

As we drift off in the warm water, our bodies intertwined, time seems to lose all meaning. Eventually, the water begins to cool, and Giovanni breaks the silence with a gentle whisper. "We should get out before we turn into prunes."

He helps me out of the tub, carefully wrapping me in a plush towel and patting me dry with an almost reverential touch. The intimacy of it all leaves me feeling exposed and vulnerable, but also cherished.

"Would you like me to pick out an outfit for you to wear to the office?" he asks, his eyes meeting mine.

"Sure," I reply, curious about what he might choose for me. He disappears into my closet, leaving me standing in the bathroom, wrapped in the soft cocoon of the towel.

A few minutes later, Giovanni emerges from the closet with a mysterious smile playing on his lips. "There's something waiting for you in there," he says, gesturing towards the walk-in closet.

I narrow my eyes at him playfully. "What did you do?"

He surprises me by leaning in and pressing a tender kiss to my cheek, his breath warm against my skin. "You'll see. I'll meet you in the foyer in an hour, and we'll head to the office together."

Curiosity piqued, I step into the closet and find the outfit he's chosen. It's a beautiful a-line dress in a soft green – professional yet feminine, perfectly suited for a day at the office. It strikes me how well he seems to know me, even in the short time we've been together. There's a beautiful lace bra placed next to the dress, but the panties are mysteriously missing. I grin and press my lips together, trying to fight back a smile. As I slip into the clothes, I wonder how this newfound connection between us will continue to evolve.


"Alright, there," Giovanni says, fingers flying across the keyboard. He swivels in his chair to face me, eyes alight. "The GPS chip is deactivated."

My heart leaps with relief, a sudden swell of gratitude washing over me. I spring from my seat and bound over to him, throwing my arms around his neck and pressing myself against him.

"Thank you," I breathe into his ear. The air between us crackles with tension as I find myself straddling his lap, our bodies pressed tightly together. His strong hands grip my waist, holding me there for a moment too long.

His lips capture mine fiercely, tongues tangling in a dance that leaves me breathless and yearning for more. When he finally pulls away, I'm left panting and smiling against his mouth.

"God, Lulu," he murmurs, his voice teasing but strained. "You're such a distraction."

"Sorry," I giggle, feeling the heat rise in my cheeks. "I'll let you get back to work."

As I slide off his lap and make my way to the door, he calls after me, serious now. "Be careful, Lulu. Without the tracker, I can't protect you."

"I understand," I reply, swallowing hard as the weight of his words settles in.

Back at my desk, the hours drag on like molasses, each tick of the clock taunting me. Giovanni remains holed up in his office, not even bothering with phone calls or emails. He's lost to the world, consumed by the Irish problem that plagues him.

Five o'clock comes and goes, and still no sign of Giovanni finishing up. Concern gnaws at me, knowing he hasn't eaten lunch or dinner. Finally, I gather my courage and approach his office.
