Page 60 of Prince of Chaos

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"Please don't try to stop me," I warn him as he opens his mouth to speak. "This time, it's not going to work."

"What's your plan?" he asks, resignation lacing his voice.

"Get to the airport and try to catch a flight," I reply, determination fueling me.

"Actually, I've already chartered a jet for you," he says, surprising me. "And some of my men will go with you for protection. They'll stay with you until you're in a safe location in Miami. But after that, they have to leave. They can't be implicated withEl Lobo."

"Thank you," I whisper, touched by his concern. "I understand."

"Are you... expecting me to come with you to the airport?" he asks hesitantly.

"Only if you want to," I say, trying to hide my hopefulness.

"It's probably best if I don't," he replies, looking away.

"Okay," I manage, disappointment settling heavily in my chest. We share an awkward hug, his embrace both comforting and painful. He presses a soft kiss to my cheek, and mumbles "Goodbye, princess," before disappearing down the hallway without another word, leaving me to face the uncertain future alone.

* * *

The drive to the airport is a blur, like being in a dream I can't wake up from. The scenery outside passes by in a haze of colors and shapes, but my thoughts are stuck on what I'm leaving behind. Despite the impossibility, I can't help but imagine a life with Giovanni - going to the office together, coming home, and spending quiet evenings entwined in each other's arms. But that's the past, and I need to focus on the present.

"Miss Manuel, we'll be at the airport shortly," the driver informs me, his voice neutral and professional.

"Thank you," I murmur, tearing my gaze away from the window.

As soon as the jet comes into view, I steel myself for the journey ahead. My heart tightens with longing for Giovanni, but I push the thoughts away. I have to concentrate on the task at hand - protecting my family.

Once on the plane, I settle into a plush seat and pull out my phone to read aboutEl Lobo. The steady hum of the airplane engine surrounds me as I stare out the window, watching the clouds pass below. Fleeting thoughts ofEl Lobothreaten to invade my mind, but I push them away.

My phone buzzes in my hand, and I see the latest news headline: Mob Wars Escalate - Innocent Lives Lost in Crossfire. My heart sinks as I read about the mounting violence that plagues Miami, the city I once called home. With my father's conviction, the Manuel family has been left vulnerable and without leadership. A bloody power struggle has erupted, and everyone once loyal to my family now finds themselves caught in the middle.

"Twenty-three dead in just two weeks," I whisper under my breath, feeling the weight of each life lost. I clench my jaw, determined to do something, anything, to protect those I hold dear.

The flight is a blur of scrolling through news articles. I need better information than what the news is reporting.

As the plane begins its descent, I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I can't let fear control me. My mother and sister depend on me; their lives hang in the balance. I must find a way to keep them safe and bring stability to all those who have remained loyal to the Manuel name. Even if it means confronting the terrifying world of mob wars head-on.

"Prepare for landing," the captain announces over the intercom, snapping me back to reality. I grip the armrests tightly as the plane starts to shake, my heart pounding with a mix of fear and determination.

As the wheels touch down on the runway, I steel myself for the challenges ahead. The violence I may face is overwhelming, but I refuse to let my loved ones become casualties in this brutal war. I am Lucia Manuel, the daughter of a mob boss, and I will stop at nothing to protect my family.


The moment I step off the plane, Miami's humid air wraps around me like a suffocating embrace. My heart races in anticipation, knowing that my mother and sister are close by. Giovanni's unexpected thoughtfulness shows itself in the sleek black car waiting for me outside the airport. I climb in, swallowing hard against the tension in my chest.

"Take me to this address," I instruct the driver, handing him the slip of paper with the safe house location written on it. He nods without a word, and we speed away from the airport, leaving the familiar skyline behind. The tension coils tighter inside me as I think of my family, hidden away, their lives in danger.

The car glides to a stop in front of a modest townhouse, its façade nondescript and forgettable. Taking a deep breath, I exit the car and approach the door cautiously, looking around for anyone who might be watching. With a few quick knocks, the door opens, revealing my mother and sister's anxious faces.

"Lulu!" My sister, Sofia, throws her arms around me, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I can't believe you're here."

"Shh," I hush her, scanning the street one last time before slipping inside. "We have to be careful."

My mother's eyes are filled with worry as she embraces me. "You shouldn't have come, Lulu. It's too dangerous."

"Family comes first," I say simply, steeling myself for what must be done. They need me now more than ever, and I will not abandon them.

That evening, I meet with the men loyal to my father. We gather in the basement, the air thick with distrust and fear. Their faces are etched with lines of exhaustion, and their eyes tell stories of violence and loss.
