Page 68 of Prince of Chaos

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"Count on it." I rush off to my bedroom, my heart pounding in sync with my footsteps. As I pack, the scent of Lulu's perfume lingers on one of my shirts, and I clench it tightly in my hand, vowing to protect her no matter what.

Leaving the mansion, the cool breeze whispers against my skin as I make my way to the airport, driven by a sense of purpose I've never felt before. Every fiber of my being yearns to hold Lulu again, to ensure her safety, and perhaps even earn her forgiveness.

As the jet's engines roar to life, I settle into my seat and stare out the window. Miami awaits - and so does Lulu. With each passing second, the distance between us grows smaller, and my resolve to find her only grows stronger.


Another luxury car arrived at my door in the morning, bringing me and my family to where we're currently staying. However, as I step out of the vehicle, I'm separated from my mother and sister, forced to stay in a separate room. My heart clenches as I watch them being led away, their worried glances lingering on me.

The hours tick by as I explore the luxurious room I've been assigned. A plush, king-sized bed dominates the space, adorned with silk sheets and an abundance of velvet cushions. An elegant chandelier casts a warm glow over the rich furnishings, while heavy drapes hang from floor-to-ceiling windows. The scent of fresh flowers mingles with the faint aroma of expensive perfume, creating a heady yet delicate atmosphere. Despite the stunning surroundings, I can't shake the feeling of unease.

"Another prison," I mutter under my breath, pacing the length of the room. "Just broke out of one, and now I'm stuck here."

My mind drifts to Giovanni. It's been days since I last saw him, and the lack of contact is gnawing at me. Why hasn't he reached out? Doesn't he care about my safety? Bitterness creeps into my thoughts, and I find myself picturing him with other women, uncaring and indifferent to my plight.

"Probably off fucking hookers again," I grumble, clenching my fists in anger.

Daylight turns into nighttime, and with nothing left to do, I finally crawl into the bed. As I pull the silk sheets over my body, sleep remains elusive, my thoughts churning with uncertainty. I don't fully know where I am, where my family is, or whether they're safe. The very idea that Alejandro might try and visit me in the night sends shivers down my spine.

"What would I do?" I whisper into the darkness, my voice trembling. My heart races at the thought of our impending wedding night – will I have to fake pleasure? Can I even pull that off convincingly? And if he finds out I'm not a virgin, what would he do to me?

My shoulder aches from the tension, and I rub it absentmindedly before finally drifting off into a fitful, tormented sleep.

* * *

A hand clamps down on my mouth, jolting me awake. Panic surges through me as I struggle to free myself, my heart pounding in my chest. But as my eyes adjust to the darkness, I see Giovanni's face above me. Relief washes over me for a moment, but confusion quickly takes its place.

"Wha-" I try to say, muffled by his hand.

"Shh," he whispers, removing his hand from my mouth. "I'm here."

I must be dreaming. How could he be here? He told me he didn't want to come with me, and getting past Alejandro's guards should have been impossible. Determined to prove this is just a dream, I sit up and pinch myself hard. Pain floods my senses, and I wince, realizing that I must be awake.

Giovanni keeps his voice soft as he moves to hug me and wrap me in his arms. His embrace is warm, comforting, and familiar. For a fleeting moment, I allow myself to sink into it. But then the hurt he caused comes rushing back, and I push him away, anger flaring within me.

"Wh-why are you here?" I demand, my voice shaking. "You couldn't even bother to contact me, and now you just show up like this?"

He looks genuinely hurt by my words. "I was trying to respect your decision to move on," he says, his voice heavy with emotion.

"Move on?" I scoff, climbing out of bed in a heartbeat. "I didn't decide to move on – you decided to stay put! You left me no choice!"

"You know that's not what the situation was, Lulu," he pleads. "Don't twist it like that."

"That's how I saw it," I snap, my body trembling with a mix of anger and fear. "And you shouldn't have bothered coming because it's too late."

"Too late?" His eyes narrow, and he steps closer to me, his intensity almost palpable. "What do you mean, 'too late?'"

I swallow hard, gathering the courage to say the words. "I've moved on, Giovanni. I'm engaged to someone else."

His face goes pale, and for a moment, all we can do is stare at each other in silence. The tension between us is thick, heavy with unspoken emotions and unresolved pain. And as much as I want to cling onto my anger, I can't help but feel a small pang of guilt for hurting him like this.

Giovanni's face contorts into a mask of absolute rage as reaches out to grip my chin. But instead of lashing out with anger, he crashes his lips onto mine. I bite down on his lip hard – our usual twisted game we play. It's toxic, but a part of me loves it.

He pulls back briefly, a smile forming on his bruised lips, and then dives in again, pressing his mouth against mine with even more force. I bite him once more, but this time he digs in, threading his fingers through my hair, yanking my head back with a fierce intensity. His eyes bore into mine, a wild fire burning within them.

"I missed this," he growls, "and I'm going to show you just who you belong to." His voice is low and threatening. "I'll fuck you so hard that you'll never think of another man ever again."

"Ha," I scoff, trying to hide the shiver his words send down my spine, "I doubt it."
