Page 76 of Prince of Chaos

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"Remember your place, Lucia," Alejandro growls, anger flaring in his eyes once more. But as I stare back at him, unflinching, I know I've made my choice – even if it means losing everything I hold dear.

But my defiance comes at a cost. Pain lances across my face as Alejandro smacks me hard.

"Lucia, you've denied me your body for far too long," he snarls, his grip back on my throat. "You need to understand your place in this world, and I'm going to teach you that right here, right now."

Excited murmurs ripple through the crowd of El Lobo men as their leering eyes fixate on me. Panic rises within me like a tidal wave, threatening to drown me in its suffocating embrace.

"Don't touch me," I begin to say, but Alejandro is beyond reason.

"Shut up!" he orders, tearing at my dress with a ferocity that leaves me breathless. The once pristine white fabric parts under his brutal touch, revealing my breasts to the room full of hungry eyes. Desperation fuels me as I struggle against him, but he's relentless, flipping up my skirt and yanking at my panties.

"Get off me!" I scream, but Alejandro silences me with a hand over my mouth.

"Quiet," he hisses, unbuckling his belt with his free hand.

Just as terror threatens to swallow me whole, a commotion erupts among the crowd. My heart leaps into my throat when I hear it: Giovanni's voice, like a lifeline thrown to someone drowning, ringing out clear and strong.

"I object!"

The room falls silent, every eye turning toward the source of the interruption. Alejandro stills his grip on me, looking up to face Giovanni, who stands there with an expression of pure fury etched onto his handsome features.


Tears blur my vision as I stand at the altar, but through the watery haze, I see Alejandro's face contort in shock and anger. "What the fuck?" he snarls, eyes darting around the church.

My heart leaps into my throat when Giovanni emerges from the sea of men like a dark savior. His gaze locks onto mine, his expression murderous yet protective. My chest tightens with hope, and I choke back a sob.

A sudden movement catches my eye, and I realize that a ring of unknown men surrounds us, their automatic weapons aimed at every single El Lobo goon in the room. As if on cue, one of the goons lunges towards Giovanni, but Giovanni is quicker. He draws a handgun from his belt, firing without hesitation. The goon crumples to the floor, blood seeping from his temple.

"Listen up," Giovanni warns, training his gun on Alejandro. "I'm here to negotiate, so you better fucking pay attention, or everyone in this church will die."

"Who are you?" Alejandro demands, his tone laced with contempt.

"I'm Giovanni Maldonado."

Alejandro laughs coldly. "Your family has no power anymore."

"Interesting position to take," Giovanni replies, unfazed. "Considering you've been caught with your pants down, and all your men are about to die."

"Kill my men, and you'll invite the biggest mob war you've ever seen," Alejandro threatens.

Giovanni shakes his head slowly, a predatory grin appearing on his face. "I don't think so. You see, I believe you lured most of these men with money rather than loyalty. If history has taught us anything, it's that an army built on greed will flee during the fight. Dead men can't spend money."

I watch Alejandro's face, searching for any sign of wavering. His eyes narrow, but there's a flicker of uncertainty in their depths. Giovanni's words resonate within me, and I know he's right. He's here to protect me, and he'll do whatever it takes.

"Choose your next move wisely," Giovanni warns, his voice dripping with menace. "Your life depends on it."

"Fine then," Alejandro grits out, his eyes locked on Giovanni's unwavering gaze. "What do you want?"

Giovanni steps closer, his handgun steady in his grip. "For starters, take your hands off my woman."

The moment the words leave his lips, I feel a sense of relief wash over me. Alejandro hesitates for a second before removing his hands, and I push myself off the table, trembling. Giovanni takes the cloth from the altar and wraps it around me, all without letting his gun leave Alejandro. He pulls me under his arm, and I'm enveloped by his protection.

Alejandro scoffs, trying to regain control of the situation. "You're making a mistake. She offered herself to me."

"Shut the fuck up," Giovanni snaps, his voice cold and deadly. "No one disrespects my woman. If you don't want to die right here, right now, in front of God and all your men, you'd better keep your mouth closed."

I'm shocked, but Alejandro complies, his jaw clenched in anger.
