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“Diner opens in T minus ten minutes,” he warned us.

“We’re almost done,” I promised, smiling up at him. “Thanks for the warning.”

“And thanks for breakfast, Lance,” Ivy said. “You don’t have to jump when my husband asks you to, but I appreciated a hot meal after the night I had.”

“I didn’t jump because Shep asked me to. I came in a little bit early to make my friend a meal so she could get through the day. I feed people. That’s what I do. When I know someone needs me, I’m here for it.” He gave her a wink and she blew him a kiss as he disappeared back into the kitchen.

Becca sighed. “He’s such a great guy. I’m glad he’s doing better.”

“Me too,” Ivy agreed. “He’s almost his old self again. I know he’ll never be the same, but he’s got life back in him and that’s what matters.”

“He’s coming out of the fog,” I said, spinning my phone. “Lance has found ways to keep her memory alive and he’s focusing on that instead of the sadness. We decided to decorate the house for Christmas. That’s why we’re going to Saginaw.”

Ivy’s mouth fell open. “You are? That’s great!”

I shrugged and stared out the window rather than make eye contact with them. “I found her Christmas book where she wrote down her ideas each year for the holiday decorating contest. She made a final entry this year and we decided it was her way of telling him she wanted him to continue the tradition. It’s going to be understated but classy, which is exactly what Michelle was in life.”

Ivy squeezed my wrist with a smile. “That’s great. I’m glad you’re going to help him with it. Everything is easier with a friend.”

“Agreed,” I said vaguely. “I actually have all of her craft supplies in my car. I planned to donate them to the school-to-work program today. Now I’m wondering if I should bring them to the farm instead?” I asked Becca. “You guys could use them to advertise the different family events and my bakery kids could make signs for the bakery too.”

“Yes,” Becca said immediately. “We’re always buying craft supplies, and besides, that’s still donating them to the school-to-work program.”

“Sorted. I’ll take the yarn to the Family and Consumer Education kids at the school and bring the craft supplies to the farm.”

Becca waved her hand. “Bring it all to the farm. We have FACE kids who work with us, so they’ll pick it up. No problem.”

“Well, okay, that means Lucy and I can get to the farm sooner today!”

Ivy laughed but I could hear the fatigue in the sound. “Speaking of Lucy, I suppose we better get out of here. It’s only five a.m., so she’s probably not awake yet, which gives you time to rest a few hours before you pick her up.”

We all left the booth and walked to the door. “I don’t need to rest, but I do have some work at the bakery to finish up. When she’s awake and ready, shoot me a text and I’ll come pick her up. Maybe you can grab a few hours of sleep before she wakes up?”

“I’m going to try,” she said, patting her tummy. “All that food is making me even sleepier. Thank you both for helping with her today. I can’t tell you how much it means to me.”

“Are you kidding? I love spending time with Lucy. No thanks needed,” I promised giving her a hug. “I’ll see you soon.”

Becca grabbed her coat from the rack. “I’ll be at the farm after lunch, Bec,” I promised, and she patted my back before she left the diner.

Ivy disappeared toward her office to get me the credit card, so I grabbed the cake off the table and carried it to the kitchen where Lance was preparing all his supplies for breakfast. “I saved you some cake.”

He spun around and smiled, his gaze never drifting from mine. “Thanks, Gumdrop.” He took it from my hand and raised a brow. “Four o’clock.”

“Four o’clock,” I agreed. “See you then.”

“Don’t be late,” he called when I got to the door.

“I wouldn’t dream of it.”

I threw him a wink and caught his grin before I headed out the door with a spring in my step.

Chapter Six

I checked my phone for a text from Ivy, but there still wasn’t one, which surprised me. It was almost nine, and Shep should be off to work. Maybe Lucy was sleeping in, so I decided I would head to Ivy’s house rather than wait at the bakery. When Lucy woke up, I’d get her ready for the day while Ivy slept.

I grabbed my jacket and slung my backpack over my shoulder, then headed to the front of the bakery to say goodbye to everyone. I needed coffee, but I’d grab one at Crystal’s Coffee Bar once I picked up Lucy. It was across the street from Mrs. Beesweasel’s and I loved her brown bear honey pot lattes. Sure, we had a coffee bar here at the bakery, but we don’t have brown bear lattes. Don’t ask me what she puts in those delicious cups of milk and honey, but she’s known far and wide for them.

“I’m heading to Ivy’s,” I said to Mel as I glanced at everything with a practiced eye. I didn’t have to worry about anything when Mel was working, but being a detail-oriented person, I couldn’t help myself.
