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“I’m not sure how Mel will feel about it,” I said as a reminder that I’m not the only one who would be affected by the change. “She’s been part of the diner much longer than I have. She might rather manage the diner since Mason works here.”

“She has worked with me for a lot of years, and that’s why I can safely say, if I offered her the bakery manager position, she would take it in a heartbeat. Baking is her thing, and if she’s given the choice between managing the diner versus the bakery, she won’t even hesitate to take the bakery. She loves to bake, but even with all of the accommodations we’ve made, standing all day is getting hard on her. Managing the bakery would get her off her feet, but she’d still be there for guidance. She’d have more time to research new products, and start that wedding cake aspect of the bakery, which the community wants. Mel wants to manage, but that bakery has become her dream job and she won’t give that up. Not to mention, she and Mason have a schedule down for taking care of the kids, and I know she needs flexible, early morning hours, which the bakery offers her.”

“That’s fair,” I agreed, the idea taking root in my mind. If I was managing at the diner, I’d be working with Lance again. The idea made my heart happy and filled me with excitement. “If you talk to Mel and she agrees, then I’d be willing to transfer to the diner.”

Her whoop of joy and laughter woke Lucy from her nap, who stared at her mother with wide eyes. “Oops, sorry, baby,” she whispered, patting her cheek. Lucy was ready to let loose with a wail when I smiled at her.

“Come stay with Auntie Gumdrop,” I said, motioning her over. She climbed under the table and popped back up on the bench, snuggling her sweet head into my lap where she smiled before she dropped off to sleep again.

“Sorry,” Ivy said, whispering now, but still ecstatic. “I can’t believe I didn’t think of this before. Let me get some things sorted out and I’ll get back to you? Is it going to be a problem for you managing Lance?”

I shook my head, a grin slowly working its way back to my face. “I won’t be managing Lance. That’s Mason’s job. I’m excited to work with him again.”

“You were always the dynamic duo when you worked together.”

I smiled, anticipation for all the changes happening in my life lifting me from the trauma of the last few days. Family didn’t require blood, and I was never happier that my family made from love and understanding accepted me for who I was.

Chapter Twenty-Three

Evergreen Acres was quiet when we arrived, which was strange for Christmas Eve. You’d think a Christmas tree farm would be packed on this day, but Cameron and Becca wanted the kids to spend the next two days with their families, so they didn’t open the store except for last minute Christmas tree purchases. Since tonight was the cookie walk in the park followed by Santa’s departure and a drive through the neighborhoods to look at the lights, no one would be here anyway. It was also Cameron’s birthday and he wanted to spend it at the park with his friends.

“Why were we summoned here?” Lance asked for the tenth time. I’d managed to avoid answering all the previous times, but the piper had called now. “I’d rather you were home resting your arm before tonight.”

“My arm is fine,” I said, shaking my head with amusement. “I’m tired of resting.”

“You still haven’t answered my question.”

I put Coop into park and turned to him. “I want you to hear me out.”

“Oh, no,” he moaned. “Tell me Ivy isn’t setting me up for another promotion.”

“Not the kind you’re thinking of,” I promised, resting my forehead on his. “I promised to always have your back, so hear me out. When Ivy mentioned this, I was surprised, but I thought it was a great idea. You don’t need to worry about reading or writing. They have a very interesting plan, so if you listen, you’ll hear that they need someone with your exact disabilities and abilities. Okay?”

He dropped a kiss on my lips and nodded. “Okay, I trust you, so I’ll hear them out.”

“And, if you start to get stressed or worried, just call a timeout with your hands. I’ll take you out of the room and help you work through anything you don’t understand before we go back in.”

“You’ll have my back.”

“Every time, Lance.”

After he helped me out of the car, he kept hold of my hand while we walked to the quiet storefront. Lance held the door open for me and I walked in, unwinding my scarf from my neck and inhaling the scent of apples and cinnamon. I loved the store at Evergreen Acres. It was Christmas personified this time of year.

“Hey guys,” Cameron said, as he took my coat and hung it on a cute tree rack made to look like a pine tree. “I’m glad you could make it. I know this is last minute.”

“They’re used to last minute with me,” Ivy said as she came out of the storage room to hug us. “I’m glad you could fit us in too, though.”

“Happy birthday, Cameron!” I exclaimed, giving him a hug. “What changes we’ve seen since your last one.”

“It’s been a crazy busy, wonderful ride the last three hundred and sixty-five trips around the sun,” he agreed. “I can’t wait to see where this new year takes us.”

“Maybe you’ll add to your family by this time next year.”

“Hush your mouth, Ivy Lund!” Becca said, walking into the store with Bradley in a sling around her shoulder. “I don’t have time for a baby.”

Ivy almost snorted but managed to hold it in. “Okay, boo,” she said, using Cameron’s favorite line. “I suppose we better get down to business. I’m sure you guys have a busy day today.”

“We have nothing to do until the cookie walk,” Lance promised. “And even then, the night’s festivities will depend on how her arm is. If those fingers start to swell, we’re going home.”

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