Page 78 of Brewing Temptation

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We’d grown up tussling—a side effect of six brothers and many, many cousins—but I’d only ever started a fight once, when a jackass knocked Brinleigh’s books out of her hands into a puddle in high school.

Never in my life had I wanted to break somebody’s face in as passionately as I did this angry child in a man’s body. He looked exactly like you’d expect an east coast politician’s child to look—poised, prepared, preppy as shit. I wanted to see how cocky his smirk would be if I knocked a few of those too-pearly teeth out.

“You could start by restraining yourself in a public place and showing some sense of civility.”

Chuckling darkly, I tilted my head, sizing him up. “You’re not from around here, so I’ll fill you in on a little Mistyvale culture. We don’t give a shit aboutcivility. And I have even fewer fucks to give about your opinion.” I waved him away like a fly in a pasture but wasn’t willing to give him my back. Seemed like just the kind of coward to hit a man from behind. Looping a hand behind me to grab Noel’s, I pulled her up to my side so she could lead the way out of here, following immediately in her wake as she pulled me back towards Rosalie. Keep it public, keep us in a pool of witnesses. Good girl.

“Noel, you’re coming home, baby. Please stop walking away from me. I miss you so much—God, please just talk to me.” Her name on his lips made every inch of my skin crawl, violence itching in my palms. She cleared her throat, and I had to fight the desire to answer for her. Noel was a big girl. She could vocalize for herself, and if she seemed stuck, then I’d step in.

“Go home, Eric. You’re wasting your breath.”

“Don’t say that, baby.”

“I amnotyour baby,” she snarled, whirling on him, hanging onto my arm like she knew I’d keep her safe. She didn’t fight me when I kept my body between them. “You only have yourself to thank for that. So do us all a favor and go fuck yourself.”

Pride swelled like a flame in my chest, and I smirked, lifting a brow and daring him to do something stupid. Damn, it was cute when she was mad, and even cuter when she flung a curse at the slimeball. My siblings were all heading in our direction, sensing trouble; eyes from around the bar seemed to perk up, seeking something juicy for the gossip mill. Hell, I spotted Max watching us with a furrowed brow, stepping out of his booth, ready to get her out of here, no doubt.

Eric straightened his back, his left eye twitching. “Is this seriously what you’ve reduced yourself to?”

When she just rolled her eyes and turned to leave, my nerves all bristled. His ego would not like her ignoring him one fucking bit.

“Whoring yourself around for a place to stay and a demeaning job? Always knew you were a pathetic little gold digger.”

Noel stopped as abruptly as I did, but I jerked my chin forward when she turned to me, her perfect little mouth parted. Rosalie—God bless her—materialized right then, snaking her arm around Noel and tugging her away as I took my sweet time rounding on Eric. To his credit or stupidity, he didn’t back down. Not even as I felt the girls retreat.

“Say that again,” I challenged, smirking at his pretty, clean-shaven face. Several patrons evacuated their bar stools, the wooden feet screeching over the hard floor. Axel and Max both arrived on the scene as our sisters wove behind me, no doubt going after Noel. Axel placed a hand on my chest as Max raised his cell, the camera trained on Eric’s face. Suppressing the need to snarl at my brother not to fucking hold me back, I just stared the bastard down. A unified front would go way farther. The dick weasel swallowed hard, ego warring with common sense as that fat fucking mouth opened and closed twice.

“Not so brave when your future constituents will be watching, are you?” Max said calmly, although I could see the way his fist clenched at his side.

“This is being blown out of proportion, gentlemen. Just having a friendly little chat with my fiancé.”

“Last I checked, fiancés don’t flee five-thousand miles away if they give a shit to hear you talk. Now, get out of my bar.” I was about to offer to escort him out when a throat cleared and we all found Charlie and Bells in uniform. Bells had her hand on her taser, whereas Charlie’s were both braced on his hips. Fuck, I loved this town.

“There a problem here, gentlemen?”

Eric blew out a defeated breath, plastering a practiced smile on his face as he shook his head. “No, sir. Just came in for a drink.”

Axel adjusted his positioning so we stood shoulder to shoulder, cutting off his view of the girls, both of us jerking our heads towards the door. Charlie nodded. “Jameson is the acting proprietor of the Birch Barrel, and I believe I heard him ask you to leave.”

“On my way out,” Eric said, raising his hands in surrender. “See you around,” he shot back to me as he turned for the door. It felt a lot like a promise.

“Looking forward to it,” I drawled.Motherfucker. I’d be counting down the minutes. Charlie and Bells flanked him out. A collective breath seemed to wave through the onlookers, and I turned, craning my neck and scanning for red hair.

“You okay?” Axel demanded, voice still tense. Like anyone should ask about me right now.

“Where is she?”

“I don’t know, I lost Rose in the crowd.”

“Send Charlie back to the banquet room when he comes back, please.”

“You got it.”

“Thanks,” I said gruffly, patting his shoulder as I wound my way back towards the party rooms.

“James?” Axel said, commanding my attention. I glanced back, finding his brow furrowed and muscles still taut. Ready. Ilovedmy family. “Nothing stupid.”

“Do I look like an amateur?”
