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Nodding wasn’t words, so I had to do that.

“Perfect.” He left me standing there in my Spiderman undies and headed over to the dresser. “Once I get you ready, we’ll watch a movie and have lunch.”

Well, he’d said he had a plan.

That was a plan.

“Yes, Master.” Movie. Lunch.

There was nothing to worry about.

There was nothing to be embarrassed about.

Nothing to talk about.

Oh dear…how had I forgotten those?

“Perfect.” Master looked very pleased as he held up a jock that was definitely more like the skimpy ones he’d described in his fantasies than anything I usually wore. “You must be psychic.”

No, I just shouldn’t online shop while horny.

“I…I was thinking we should have mac-n-cheese for lunch, Master.” Yes, he talked about us having lunch.

Wait. Did that mean he wasn’t leaving?

“You…are you staying for dinner too?” I could’ve tied all of those thoughts together better if he hadn’t been walking over with the sexy underwear in his hands. But watching his fingers stroke over the silky fabric made it hard to think about anything else.

The underwear didn’t cover anything.


How had I bought his fantasy underwear when I’d been horny and slightly drunk from too much juice and vodka?

No more juice and vodka when I was feeling crappy.

Well, I had Master now so I probably wouldn’t feel lonely and horny. He’d come over when I’d just sent him a confusing text, so the chances of him leaving me alone long enough to get depressed seemed slim to none.

“I’d ask what you’re thinking, but I know you don’t want to talk.” He didn’t wait for a response before nibbling on my lips, looking very pleased with himself. “You’re going to look so sexy.”

“I like looking sexy for you, Master.” That jumped out before I had a chance to realize how ridiculous it probably sounded.

But Master’s gaze heated and he gave me another slow, deep kiss as he wrapped his arms around me.

Feeling his hands stroke down my back, teasing the silky fabric over my skin and then over the Spiderman undies, sent crazy mixed signals through me. Embarrassment, desire, and happiness all mixed together to make a mess of my head.

I loved that he’d come over and knew I wanted the cage. I loved the way he’d played with me and made me breakfast. But that didn’t help chase away the nervous embarrassment flooding through me. I was in a cage in my Spiderman undies and Master was going to put me in something that covered even less of me.

“I’m glad.” As Master kissed my jaw, it took me a moment to remember what he was responding to. “I’m also very glad you’re being so good for me and that you’re being brave.”

Ugh, now I couldn’t even complain or pout.

“Thank you, Master.” Being gracious seemed to be my only response. “I want to be good for you…but…but that might be hard sometimes.”

Yes, it was a good warning that I might be a pain in the ass.

He just made a happy humming sound and kissed right below my ear before straightening. “I know you’re going to be good for me because I bet you’ve been thinking about all the fun rewards a good boy can get.”

