Page 32 of All of My Lasts

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Does she think I look good? She looks so fucking good.

I run my hands through my hair and straighten my bow tie nervously.

Fuck, I’m getting nowhere.

I lean back against the wall and then double myself over. I close my eyes and take two deep breaths. I’m having the mother of all meltdowns over a girl I haven’t seen for ten years…

“You alright, mate?” Some slightly too drunk guy asks me while swirling some amber liquid in the glass he’s holding.

“Yeah,” I say, straightening up as I exhale deeply and watch my breath billow in the cold air. “Fuckin’ peachy.”

“Ha! Been there, my friend. It’ll be alright. You need me to get someone for you?”

Great question. “Oh, no. I’m good, thanks.”

“Then I suggest booze.”

I smile a genuine smile. “Noted.”

I can’t stop myself from glancing over to Jessica’s table through the window. I watch as she throws her head back in laughter at something Nora said. Her whole body is vibrating with happiness and it’s my favourite way to see Jess after all these years.

I think back to the last time we were together and my shoulders slump; she was so lost and when she pushed me away, I felt lost, too. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out what I wanted after we broke up. I partied a lot and threw myself into work to keep busy. I’m reaping the rewards now because our company is growing and from what I can see, it seems like Jess is happy, too. It’s really good to see her happy.

She catches my eye as I slide back into my chair and we stare at each other, lost in a daze for a few minutes, tension leaping around us even from tables away. I don’t want to look away from her but when her eyes falter as Nora demands the attention of the room to announce that the silent auction is now open, I know the moment has passed.

I immediately see Nora heading my way after her announcement, and I stand ready for her embrace. “Hey stranger!” Her tiny arms wrap around me, and I let out anoofat the contact.

“Hey yourself! Check you out, big shot!”

“Pfft, big shot, hardly.” She eyes me, conflicting emotions dancing there as she shakes her head. “I’m sorry, I just can’t believe you’re here.”

I smile at her. “It’s so good to see you, Nora. What you and Jess are doing here is… really amazing.”

“Yeah, it is, but it was all Jess. You know how she is when she sets her mind to something.” Nora’s eyes fall to my table as Alex stands next to me.

“Oh God, where are my manners? Nora, this is Alex. Nora is Jess’ sister,” I say to Alex.

Nora extends her hand to shake Alex’s. “It’s lovely to meet you.”

“You too. What Jessica is doing here today, it’s really wonderful.” She smiles.

“Thank you. It’s been a long time in the planning, but she’s doing it.”

“She’s doing it.” I echo Nora’s words, smiling.

“I’m going to get another drink really quick. Do either of you want anything?” Alex brushes her hands over my arm before we shake our heads in response and she heads away from us.

Nora tracks the touch between us, but doesn’t ask the most obvious question. “So, are you going to bid on anything?” She passes me the list, and I bid on the trip to Paris. I know I won’t win it, but I tell Nora that I’d still like to donate, regardless. She beams at me. “We’ll have you volunteering in no time. Look, I’ve got to make the rounds, but see you soon?” I nod before she slips to the next table.

As the evening moves on, I get the distinct feeling that Jessica is avoiding me. I haven’t seen her since the meal, and the band is halfway through their first set already.

“I think you should go find her.” Alex surprises me, pulling her chair closer to mine, and I spin to face her, resting my back against my chair.

“I… I don’t know.” I say, rubbing the stubble on my chin.

“I know. This is Jess we’re talking about. Come on, we’ve been friends for years Liam, I might not live in the same country as you and see you everyday, but I know enough to know about her. This is serendipity or fate or whatever.” She flails her arms excitedly as she talks. Ever the romantic.

My lips curve into a smile. “You and your destiny shit.” I tease her.
