Page 33 of All of My Lasts

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“Don’t mock me. I haven’t seen you in a year and I’m spending the last night I’m in town, watching you pine after your ex. At the very least, make it interesting for me.” She grins just as her phone rings. “Oh, it’s Jules. You good for a sec?” I nod as she answers her phone and walks into the foyer.

I sip my now warm glass of champagne, my eyes scanning the room again. Alex is right. I need to find her and at the very least talk to her for longer than a few minutes. I’m not sure about fate or serendipity, but it sure feels like we were meant to be in the same place tonight.

When I spot a tumble of dark hair near the bar, my pulse kicks up to galloping speeds. The new womanly curves of her body give her away, that and her height. But it’s the way she stands that catches my attention; alluring, but not flashy. It’s a natural sway of her hips as she shifts her weight. It’s the delicate toss of her chestnut waves over her shoulder that makes her so fucking beautiful. My breath hitches in my throat and I fight to clear it. Abandoning my champagne, I turn my attentions to who she’s talking to.

The group of men in suits are all pawing at her feet, enamoured by the beauty in front of them, and I can hardly blame them, even if my blood is running green right now, watching them all fawn over her. The sound she makes when she laughs is musical. Every note lingers in the air and floats around the room. My head bows slightly as I remember that I used to be the one to make her laugh like that.

The group begins to dwindle, and I head over to talk to her.

I adjust my bow tie as I walk for no reason than needing to do something with my hands. Oxygen is fleeing my body quicker than I can gain it back as I get closer to her.

“Liam!” I hear Harriet almost yell over my shoulder. “You promised me a dance.”

“Ah! I did. I wouldn’t want to disappoint,” I say, incredibly disappointed that I didn’t get to Jess, but just as I’m about to retreat to the dancefloor with Harriet Jess’ eyes land on mine. “Later?” I mouth.

“Later,” she mouths back, offering me the most fucking gorgeous smile.

The white dancefloor sparkles beneath mine and Harriet’s feet, and the ceiling drapes cloud above us as the band croons a classic Frank Sinatra number. We fall into an easy step, letting the slow rhythm control our movements.

“How are your parents doing?” Harriet asks.

“They’re good. Dad still works too much, but Mum keeps herself busy volunteering. They’re happy.”

“And you?”

I glance down at Harriet as mischief dances in her eyes, filled with things she isn’t asking directly. “I’m happy. I work in Dad’s upper management team, securing the big clients.”

Harriet hums under her breath. “I knew you’d go far,” she says, as we dance quietly for a while longer.

The song changes and Harriet breaks our hold.

She eyes me for a second. “She’s not seeing anyone, you know.”


“Oh, you know. I might be old, but I’m not stupid.”

I look at her and she winks at me knowingly and it takes all my energy to stop myself from fist pumping the air right now and screamyes!

“Go on, you. I won’t keep you all night.”

“It’s been a pleasure, Harriett,” I say, and kiss her on the cheek.

I walk over to the bar again, searching for Jess but coming up blank.



IcatchNoraanddrag her out to the small terrace at the back of the ballroom. When we reach the fresh air, I manage to inflate my lungs to full capacity, not realising how stifling it was in there. My eyes close as the cool air lashes around me and I’m grateful for the cool evening for once, especially as my skin has been at least a hundred degrees hotter than usual since I saw him.

The hustle and bustle of London buzzes in the streets beneath us; in the distance a siren wails, people laugh and wander along the pavement across from us, the smell of car and bus fumes float in the atmosphere. It’s a mild distraction from the way my body feels, but one I’m grateful for.

“Are you okay? Did you talk to Liam? You know, of all the gin bars, or however it is that saying goes…” she laughs.

“I… it’s strange seeing him again...” I exhale, wishing I could run my fingers through my hair. but then I remember how long it took earlier to make it look like this, so I refrain. “He looks fucking gorgeous, doesn’t he? I’m not just looking at him with rose tinted glasses, right?”

Nora shakes her head. “You’re far from wrong. He looks hot. So do you though. I think he’ll lose his cool when he’s around you. I can see it in his eyes.” Nora winks at me like that’ll calm the nerves taking flight in my belly. Honestly, I feel like I’m travelling on a freight train about ready to jump off every time I try and rationalise what is happening tonight.
