Page 38 of All of My Lasts

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“Okay.” I say again robotically, trying to pick apart what he’s implying but coming up blank.



“Go out with me?”

I let out a disbelieving laugh. “Two women? Very brazen of you.”

“There’s no Alex.”

“There’s no Alex?”


“There was definitely an Alex last night. Please don’t tell me you…”

“Jess, you are infuriating,” he interrupts. “I could do this all day. But as I was saying. I know a great shake place.”

“What do you mean there’s no Alex?” I ask again, ignoring the fact that he knows the way to my heart with milkshakes.

“I mean exactly that. She lives in America, on her way back home right now, actually. Alex and I have been friends for years. She got tickets for your event last night, her last night in town, and trust me when I say, I’m not her type.” He laughs, and it just makes my anger rise.

Heat prickles my back, making me sweat. I honestly think he’s just messing with me now.

“O-kay… will you stop with the cryptic stuff?”

“Alex is a lesbian. She was my date last nightas a friend. We’ve been friends since college, but being on opposite ends of the world, we don’t see or talk that often anymore. Last night was just two friends catching up.”


“Why did you make me believe that she was your girlfriend?”

Liam huffs out a reply, “I… I don’t know. I’m sorry, I should’ve said something. I guess I didn’t realise how it looked.”

“Yeah, no shit,” I mutter under my breath.

“I don’t want to play games with you, Jess. I’m sorry about last night. That’s why I’m calling… to set the record straight.”

My anger dissipates as quickly as it rose. My skin cooling to body temperature again. I exhale a breath that’s long and purposeful.

I let the silence fill the call for a second before I add, “Here I thought you were calling with the promise of milkshakes.”

His laugh rumbles through the phone speaker, making me smile. “Does that mean you’ll go out with me?”

“Well, that depends. Thing is, I have lots of men fighting for my attention. You know it might be tricky to squeeze you in,” I lie.

“It doesn’t surprise me that I’d have to fight for you, but exactly how burley are these other guys? Just need to know how many press-ups I should be aiming for at the gym.”

I smirk at that thought because Jesus that would be hot. Sweaty Liam, pumping iron at the gym… yeah, okay, that’s spicy.

“Well, let’s see. I’d say that most of the men are gym bunnies, in fact, I’m sure one of them is into boxing too. Jeez, looks like you will have your hands full.” If teasing was a sport, I’d pretty much be an Olympian.

“I’ll be living at my gym from now on then and if anyone asks why I’m there, I’ll tell them I’m in training to fight off all men from a beautiful woman I want.”

Bold. I like it.

“I guess I could move some of them around. Don’t tell anyone, but none of them can handle snarky Jess like you can,” I whisper-shout down the phone.
