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She crawled closer to the door. “Water?” she croaked.

“I’ve got some fluid for you, America.” He grabbed his crotch.

“I’ve heard it all now.” Too tired to even wrinkle her nose in disgust. “Water is more appealing.” She clenched her jaw. Was that stench her or him?

His face was a mask of mean, then he laughed. At this point, she might do anything for liquid, and if it was cold, she might show him her breasts. It was sweltering in here.

She could only thank whatever luck kept them from raping her. She was under the impression the order came from the warden. She so didn’t want to meet that man again. He’d already cut off her clothes and brutalized her. He looked at her like she was a delicious wedge of cheesecake.

Every day she kept expecting someone from the US to show up, a lawyer, a diplomat, someone who could help her legally and get her released from this hellhole. But no one came, no phone calls, nothing. She disappeared and no one seemed to give a damn, not her family, not her company, not even her country.

Loneliness and bitterness gripped her. She had outperformed everyone in that damn company, sacrificed everything for work, and this was how they repaid her? Way to tell her that she wasn’t worth it.

Most likely Kyle took her hard work and passed it off as his own. He was enjoying his promotion, that corner office, fat bonus, and had all the water, soft beds, and food he wanted.

Well, she didn’t need them. She would get out of here on her own, and when she did, she was getting her Jimmy Choos back. She wouldn’t leave this place without them.

She’d lost track of time in here, but it felt like a year.

He tossed her a small plastic bottle, and she jumped at it, drinking greedily. Her eyes stung, but she’d be damned if she let these animals see her cry.

God, she couldn’t imagine how disgusted her mother would be if she saw Jack now.

She finished the bottle and set it near the cell door and leaned back against the crumbling wall. She was completely screwed. No one was coming for her.

It was her own fault. She had been the one to jump headfirst into this situation without considering the consequences.

She, in all her first-world arrogance, had thought she was untouchable.

She heard footsteps and her head shot up, her thoughts scattering. She pushed off the floor, adjusting her clothing, brushing off the dirt. She had to get out of here. Calling the embassy or consulate was her only hope.

A guard appeared from the hallway and unlocked the cell. He grabbed her hands and slapped on bright silver handcuffs, then motioned her ahead. Jack moved past him, nerves making her sweat even more. She looked behind her and the man was watching her ass with a lip-smacking leer.

He gripped her arm, pushing her forward. Yanking free, she hissed, “Don’t touch me. I can walk by myself.”

His grip tightened painfully on her elbow, adding to the bruises she already had on her body. He ushered her through the prison at a quick walk. It was an old place, really old. Water-stained walls and ceilings, worn floors, and rusted fixtures. There was so much dirt on the floors that it kicked up as she walked. There wasn’t a window in sight to give her a glimpse of the outside world—night or day, she had no idea. It made her feel even more trapped.

The guard forced her toward the warden’s door, and she dug in her heels, the color draining from her face, her whole body tight with fear as her stomach dropped away with a sickening rush. “No,” she said, trying to turn away, but he shook her hard and dragged her anyway.

He opened the door and hauled her inside as she tried to get away, the panic climbing up her throat. He forced her into a chair and manacled her wrists to a metal bar attached to the desk. Then with a laugh, he left.

Like a panicked animal, she pulled at the cuffs for a few minutes, then swallowed hard, working at keeping her composure. She might be at this man’s mercy, but she wasn’t going to show him a shred of fear.

The door opened and instead of shrinking, she squared her shoulders and lifted her chin.

“The lovely America,” a deep, soft creepy-as-hell voice said from behind her. She closed her eyes and took a hard breath. Fucking Ernesto Ramos, this hellhole’s lead devil. Their first meeting had been awful. He’d tried to touch her, and she’d fought like a wild animal. But then he’d pulled that damn knife and before she could stop him, he’d sliced off every bit of her clothes, leaving her naked and huddling in the corner as he’d looked his fill. She’d defied him when he told her to lower her arms, but she refused. As he’d headed toward her, a guard rushed in, talking in rapid Spanish about loose prisoners.

He'd turned to look at her, shouted down the hall and the woman who had taken her Jimmy Choos came in. Her eyes had narrowed. Fuck. Did she want that animalistic monster? She could have him.

He gave orders that she was not to be touched, then left. That woman had called for clothing and threw the cotton garments at her, the ones she now wore.

“I demand to speak with the American Embassy.” Her voice was calm, flat, and commanding. “You cannot keep me here without charges or due process.”

“Your ambassador and your embassy have no power here.” He chuckled. “So far no one seems to be interested in your predicament, my beautifulgringa.”

* * *

Somewhere off thecoast of Venezuela
