Page 66 of Easy

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It was only two days after the arrest that the vice president of the company offered to settle with her out of court for both the equality and sexual harassment litigation, and an added bonus for her silence on her terrible ordeal in Venezuela. She took the deals. She had plans for that money.

They cut her a check the same day, and she put her plans into action. A week later, she went over to Rosa’s and knocked on her door.

She knew what she wanted to do with the money, some responsible stuff, and some really frivolous stuff.

“So, Rosa, what would you think about moving to Virgina?”

“Is that where Matt lives?”

Astraea smiled, and Rosa said, “Go on.” She showed Rosa the check and Rosa’s mouth dropped open. “So many zeros.”

“More than enough to buy us a big ole piece of land and grow orchids. You can show me everything you know about propagation. No more rooftop greenhouse. I have my eye on a gorgeous farm for sale with enough acreage that we could build you a dream home, renovate the main house for your sister and her family and anyone else she has in mind to live there. It’s my understanding from Maria that she and Juan are a hot topic.”

Rosa laughed softly. “Yes, he is very handsome, a good man, and they are in love.”

“They deserve each other, and I can’t wait to watch those kids grow in a safe environment, never wanting for anything again. We can all work the farm together, run the business as partners. How does that sound?”

“It sounds like a dream come true.”

“That’s good, because I already bought it, had an architect draw up some preliminary plans based on what I know you love, started the renovations, and the construction of the greenhouses and our office and retail space. Everything should be ready in a month.”

“But where will you live?”

“Oh, there’s an old barn on the place I’m going to renovate for me and someone very special.” She threw her arms around Astraea and hugged her hard. “Now all we have to do is find you a handsome husband.” Rosa blushed and pushed Astraea’s shoulder. “And guess what? There’s a whole big base of military guys just looking for the love of their lives.”


Easy wasoutside tinkering with one of the sprinklers, his white T-shirt soaked and almost transparent. He was sure he was giving Mrs. Magillacutty across the street a thrill. And Mrs. Dobson next to Mrs. Magillacutty, and Mrs. Henderson on the other side. They were coming out of their houses in ten-minute intervals.

He’d been in the hospital for two weeks, enough for his bruises to fade and the swelling to go down, then he’d left Walter Reed a month ago to finish recovering at his parents’ house in Williston.

He and Jack had talked a few times, and she had been excited about the changes in her life but didn’t elaborate. His gunshot wound still twinged now and then, but other than that he was in tip-top condition. Now that he was almost fully healed, he wasn’t going to wait any longer to go to Dallas and tell her what he’d discovered while he lay in that clearing in Venezuela. He was in love with her, so deeply he couldn’t live without her.

He missed her like hell.

When he heard the roaring of an engine, he rose and turned to find a sleek hot pink Porsche pulling up into his parents’ driveway. The top was down and there was a very beautiful woman in the front seat, her hair wild windblown curls, “The Fighter” by Keith Urban blaring on the radio. Yeah, he was born to love her.

She had on a pair of aviator sunglasses. The door opened and she stepped out and his eyes went over her. She was dressed to kill with a light blue T-shirt with Cinderella’s pumpkin coach in white knotted at the waist of a white linen skirt. He smiled. On her feet were a pair of clear high-heeled sandals with no back. His sister had a name for them…mules. That’s right.

She closed the car door and peeked over her sunglasses, then pushed them up into her hair. Her head tilted and she said, “Excuse me. I heard a very strong rumor that Prince Charming lives here.”

He tilted his head and said, “Well, I’m kind of a hybrid.”

Her eyes widened and she smiled softly. “Enlighten me, kind sir.”

“I’m He-Man and Prince Charming all rolled into one.” He lifted his arms and flexed. “Is that a problem?”

She fanned herself and said, “Would that be Master of the Universe and His Majesty all rolled into one?” Her voice was breathless.

“Yeah, I’m quite the catch.”

She walked toward him with a sexy, cute sway of her hips. “Hmmm,” her lips buzzed. “May I?” she asked.

“By all means.”

“I have to test to make sure I’ve got the genuine article. You understand.”

“So, this is research?”

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